Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Vick Goes Down, Pro Choice, Pro Life and Lesbos Unite

So Michael Vick goes down. He is now admitting his savagery of breeding and fighting pit-bulls. So all enlightened can feel happy, self-righteous and pat each other on the back. State will now pass bills that will make it illegal or even more illegal (can something be more illegal--see undocumented workers versus illegal aliens). Mark one for the good guys these sweet lovable animals will now be raised to become family dogs rather than dogs that can bring a bull down, for which they were bred.

No longer will there be carcasses thrown aside because they are no longer needed by the owner. This will no longer happen to pit-bulls, but viable humans will be partially delivered and their brains will be sucked out of their heads and its carcass is thrown aside. How enlightened do you feel now?

Howl and scream all you want about the women's right to choose, but once that women is 8 months old in the womb she should have the same rights. Believe it or not I am not Anti-abortion. There are times they should be done, but since we are all enlightened and we use condoms and birth control their is little need for abortion--right.

I think PETA, GLAAD, and all Pro-Life groups, as well as pro-baby groups, pro-grandparents and pro- Aunts and Uncles should form a coalition to see that third tri-mester babies receive the same right as pit-bulls. After we take the first step of being equal to pit-bulls we can then start a campaign that third trimester babies are people.

I did leave out one special interest group that could also benefit from us not killing babies in the mothers womb, and that is all the straight parents that are unable to have children but would love to nurture one. However, when you can make an alliance with PETA, GLAAD and the NRA you will get some media coverage. I think most in the NRA would support not killing children in their mother's womb. Now that is a coalition PETA, NRA and GLAAD. Just imagine the parade all floats would be powered by hybrid vehicles. The NRA members could have their 12 gauge painted the Gay pride colors and wear leather thongs. Meanwhile, PETA would supply large amounts of carrots for the colorful GLAAD members to throw to the crowd. Keep your calendar open for this one

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