Thursday, September 06, 2007

lol ;)--hey don't pee in me Tea or I'll give you one in shcnauz

Both of you that read my blog know that I have a habit of getting wordy. I think my biggest issue may be the quasi-synthetic flavors I give the Ionic rythms of my rhetoric blah abalablahbllahll.

Briefly, by brief I mean under 3,000 words, I am concerned about what You Tube and sites like it are doing to our written means of communication. OK, I know there is not a soul that is looking for perfect grammar on these boards, but should one get slammed for putting 3 sentences together? I gave a brief editorial on why I thought Freebird was the peak of Southern Rock anthems and was slammed for my thoughts. I did not think it was that cerebral nor did I feel I was writing down to the audience, but slammed I was.

I should be fair, I made some editorial comments on the "Infinite Godness" of Guns and Roses, and got some thumbs up. I am on the cusp of being a baby boomer and Gen Xer, but love bands like Sum41 and Mest, but think it's OK to give a 3 line written comment without being called mr. Smartypants...and by the way sir it is Lord Smarty, Third Duchee of Pants, and Protectorate of the Royal Garter.

Good Day Sir and for my Gen Yers that means "tsup Vfly owt".

As a post script, todays article was to be entitled "Only Virgins Need Apply". Please drop me a line and let me know if my choice was correct.

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