Friday, September 26, 2008

What To Do When Your Country Leaves You

Garth Wyndham-Price of UKVU has long been a proponent of Civil Anarchy. This form of "government" would be much like life in the western portions of the colonies/states in the 1700's. Essentially, the community would be self-governing and little if any involvement from the Federal government would occur. Which was how the Federal Government was originally intended to operate.

The beautiful thing about this form of communities is there would be a moral imperative that the communities would arrive upon. If one community the town lech was caught buggering a young boy he or is genitals could be banished. However, the same lech could go to the bugger colony and perhaps be a productive member of society.

This would also hold true for the economics of Civil Anarchy. If a lazy wanker does little to help his financial circumstances he can live in poverty or the gracious donations of those in the community that would care to help. Most importantly there would be NO Federal Government safety net that would allow said wanker to live off the earnings of other hard working people. It is axiomatic when welfare is removed for wankers the number of wankers accordingly decrease.

We have been on a 60 year flirtation with socialism. As socialism and communism fail all throughout the world the United States, the once glittering pinnacle of Freedom and Capitalism is now about to quadruple its National Debt by bailing out major Bank/Brokerage firms that took on a risky business plan that has failed. Therefore, like any of us who fail, they should lose what they risked. But that will not be the case, the so-called conservative GW Bush is essentially Federalizing these entities. So we now have economic socialism firmly entrenched.

More frighteningly we have a stealth Muslim, that will not follow national protocol when the National Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance is conducted very close to being the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful armed forces in the world. With Obama's blatant anti-American leanings it would not be inconceivable that he would do away with the Posse Comatasus and turn the armed forces on its own citizens.

I do not believe that the Patriots in the US Armed Forces would allow this to happen, but if the order was given to round up certain "undesirables"--the possibility of a military coupe would be very real.

Obama's loyalties are not those of traditional Americans. He is not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. At best, he is qualified to be the president of a local Toastmasters group--he can give one hell of a speech.

What we need now is not an experienced politician, but a statesmen that respects what this country was founded upon and the vision to move it back to that direction. Less the slavery and other kinks that were worked out as our nation grew, by the way there is good evidence that Obama's forefathers were actually selling Africans to the slave-traders. The Muslim faith has no issues with slavery.

I thank the Lord that I was born in America, but increasingly more that I am a Texan, because if the feces hits the fan, we can legally pull out of the once great Republic. Lock and Load and as they said in the movie "Red Dawn"--"Wolverines!!". It may not be the Russians but the enemy within.