Thursday, November 09, 2006

Pros and Cons of Being a Vampire

I have been contemplating some lifestyle changes, here are my thoughts your input would be appreciated.

5. Little chance of aging before one's time from dreaded sun damage
4. 300 is the new 40
3. Ann Rice
2. Pretty sure blood is OK on the Atkins diet
1. Thought it would give me a little extra time to learn Spanish

5. Pinot Grigio does not go well with type O positive
4. All the poser "Goths"--it was lame in the 1300's; the 1990's and will be in 2110
3. Concerned about the cliquishness of the Undead...500 years of Junior High?
2. Ann Rice
1. Note to self--check on how "till death do us part" applies to the Undead