Sunday, May 25, 2008

France is the Future?

Special Contribution by Garth Wyndham-Price of UKVU

As most know I am a proponent of civil anarchy. But, I know this vision is beatific at best, however, I must raise a voice of intellectual and free thinking rhetoric to wake up the domiciles of freedom and liberty to protect not the world but the philosophies of free thought and the pursuit of happiness.

The current condition in the UK is gaseous at best, but those that are clear thinking would call it diaherical, or perhaps in the worst of conditions just plain bloody shitty. The advantage of the UK's form of government is we can do an anal adjustment quickly and rather painlessly.

Which brings us to the political colour of the United States. I do not use the term " colour" lightly as the darkest candidate has been the most charismatic. The other two candidates are as they say in the south" white bread". So if Mr. Obama wins the election who do we have to protect Free thought: France.

Much of this philosophy has come from the Gauls but can we really rely on them to protect this form of governance. We can only hope. Obama has already denied his country's flag and country's most sacred song. He believes it to be to aggressive. He would prefer...something about the world doing or buying coke.....

My mates and the rest of the wankers in the anarchist centre are now pledging our allegiance to help the Franco's...pussies as they are!!!

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