Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Disenfranchisement of the Negros in the Dem's, but solace in the Words of an Old and an Irrelevant Pope

Historically the Democrat party has been one that has disenfranchised and repressed the Negro. There were periods when the Democrat party made it seem the Republicans were anti-Negro. However, the Republicans need only wave the rather warty and distorted face of Abraham Lincoln to prove who fought for our Black brethren.

There still exists in the Democratic Party members or former members of the Ku Klux Klan. They deny and renege their membership in said and the sad brotherhoods, but they are documented, delegated and dedicated to their sad philosophy of racial hiearchy.

It is dispicable that a women, a black man, a hog, or a flea ridden hound dog would treat one's opponent as a mound of feral hog feces. And yet the Dem primary nuzzles back and forth like two possums fighting over a peach seed.

The truly sad thing is while McCain is a war hero, he is also a transexual Republican. He has formed alliances with Ted Kennedy, and we are not talking about sexual but political allicances. However, we can take solace in one of the few oratories that Pope Victor II (April 13, 1055 to July 28, 1057), delivered to his loving masses:

I am an antichrist, and I am an anarchist don't know what I want but I know how to get it, I want to destroy passer by cuz I want to beeeah anarchy. Anarchy for the UK is coming some time and might be I give her some time for the traffic line the future gleam is the sharpest dream, cuz I want to beeeaah anarchy.

I'm loving ways to get what you want, I use the best, I use the rest. I use the enemy, I use anarchy, cuz I want to be anarchy. It's the only way to be.

Girls dancing and PMA are real just to UTA a red dusty Yah Yah Ray, I thought it was UK or just another country, I want to be an anarchy and I want to be an anarchy "you know what I mean". And I want to beeah an anarchist, I'm pissed get destroyed..ruruRuRrrruRURRRRRRR

Deus te Amet

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