Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trite Virginia Tech Blog

It would be a good bet that the majority of blogs in the last couple days commented on the Virginia Tech tragedy. And well they should it was a needless loss of life and an occurrence that is happening with greater frequency. The knee jerk talking heads immediately pontificate on the need for more and better gun control. The dichotomy of the talking heads is that the majority of the single gunmen that unleashed the holocaust on the students in the various Universities where the shootings took place is that the perpetrators were foreign students or immigrants that were not able to purchase firearms.

Great Britain which has one of the strictest gun controls laws in the world has a double digit increase in firearm crimes. Gun control does not control those that have the insidious impulses to destroy their fellow brothers and sisters. Rather, it refuses the right of the law abiding citizens to own a fire arm--which by the way is protected by the now withering Constitution of the Unites States.

Educated, informed and well armed citizens could decrease the impact of these tragedies. Ironically, the talking heads that are in favor of gun control have body guards that are well armed with semi-automatic and/or high caliber fire arms. This is not about hunting this is about the protection of the citizens from terrorists and yes in extreme cases out of control government.

As a post script of this tragedy a similar occurrence took place in a college in the Appalachians. The terrorist started shooting wildly at any and all students that were in his sight. Two students went to their pickup trucks retrieved their shotguns and blew away the crazed shooter. Total death count three--still sad and a tragedy, but what would have happened if the brave students did not take the initiative to take down the crazed gunmen--perhaps another Virgina Tech tragedy. It is trite, but gun control is a steady hand with a kill shot to the heart.

Peace Out and shoot straight

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