Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Freedom to Edit Speech Revolution

It started years ago, mainly on college campuses. It was known as "politically correct" speech. Certain forms of speech were discouraged not because they were vulgar, but because they may insult some form of a minority group. These groups may not be racial or religious, or transgender or transvestite or transpecies. If a man was was trapped in a ladies body, or outfit, or soul of a horse--any type of lanquage that would be disparaging to these "protected" group could lead to severe ramifications to those that made the disparaging remarks.

A good example of how politically correct speech can be confusing is the case of how we described the Americans from African descent. Originally, in polite circles the term Negro was used, a derivation of the Spanish word for black. In least polite circles a bastardization of that word was used and was meant as an insult. Another term that was used around the same time was colored--I don't think that was as insulting as the "N" word but I imagine it became disliked in the South as there were many signs posted that said " No coloreds served".

Then in the 1960's Afro-American became the name that was in vogue for sometime. Concurrently, Black was a title that many were OK with. Then in the 1980's African-American became the title of choice among the black folk, but at about the same time it was becoming acceptable for blacks to call other blacks "niggahs". It was definitely not acceptable for any non-black to use the "niggah" term. However, it did become acceptable for everybody to call Americans of African descent blacks, again. Could it be that soon it will be acceptable to use the Spanish pronounciation of black? While it is spelled Negro, it is pronounced Naygrro. As one can see it is hard work staying politically correct and this example is for only one racial group.

Some other examples of PC changes are illegal immigrants are now undocumented workers. Short people are vertically challenged and bald people are folically challenged. It seems the worth in using PC terms is not to insult groups and their members. In the case of the African Americans there should be some sensitivity as they had to put up with centuries of crap and the "N" word was a vestige that abuse and crap. But can we now settle on an agreeable term to speak of your community.

Now the remainders of these "protected" groups should be ashamed of trying to equate their "struggle" with that of the Black community. Yeah, it is tough being a short person but as long one does not misuse the term midget, dwarf or munchkin; nor bowl said small person against his or her will things should be OK. Also, as a member of the folically challenged, I have heard it all and chrome domes get over it--especially those with the comb-overs.

Now, in the case of the transgender, transvestites, trans-species and transvampirical-crack whores; let's work a tiny bit more on getting our lives together and then we can concern ourselves with being insulted by possible insults or slangs, (is it possible to insult these groups?). After all, if a person, especially a high profile celebrity, all one must do is go to rehab and all is forgiven.

That is what is refreshing about the Don Imus situation. In the Ann Coulter case she was using a joke to kid John Edwards. Isaia Washington may have used the perjorative term for homosexuals in angry outburst but one did not get the impression that these terms were used in hateful attitudes. Imus on the other hand has exuded hate for many years--just ask Howard Stern. Calling the Cornell female basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed ho's", exemplifies racism and hatred. However, Imus has the right to be a racist and hater just as his employers have the right to suspend or fire him. Likewise, the sponsors have the right to pull their add time from the Imus program.

What is refreshing about this case is Imus did not really cave into some hypersensitive poverty pimp. He is feeling the retribution for his stupid and needless comments. True Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton were involved in this case but much of that is because of the nappy headed insult Imus used. He deserves the crticism and sanctions he is receiving.

There were cases earlier in this year that tried the same tact for the sole purpose of political ruin. Additionally, in the case of Coulter and Washington they are members of so called protected groups--females and African Americans respectively. However, in the case of Coulter even though her comment was made in jest and she is a female trying to crash the glass ceiling, more importantly she is conservative and that negates any protected status other females would enjoy. Nonetheless, while Coulter's comment may have been considered mean-spirited by some in the media, it was not uttered in hate. I wish the same could be said for Imus.

Imus had no political motivation to utter his perjoratives and worse of all after stating that the black members of the team were nappy headed he threw in the stereotype that they were "ho's". It's a good thing Imus has that ranch for the kids with cancer out in New Mexico, otherwise he would have the karma of Stalin. Come to think of it wasn't there some heat about how he set up his tax exempt status on the ranch?

For many years I thought Imus was a cynical, but intelligent talk radio show host that used his crotchety persona as an act for his radio program. However, the recent occurrences reveal that not only is Imus a crotchety arse, but a self-centered wanker that should be off the air. If there are any sponsors left on his show please boycott the products. A much easier boycott would be not to watch MSNBC, when was the last time you watched it on purpose.

The trend towards forcing celebrities and the laymen to speak only in certain terms with certain language is appalling, but using the public airways to spew misogynist racial hatred to innocent young female student athletes is sub human. Even a turkey necked, ancient relic, that reeks of cow shit and mothballs, whose brains is pickled by the copious amounts of illicit drugs and alcohol that were consumed in the 1970's should know better. Know better, yeah know better, yeah no better, no better-- he is no better than Klansmen that perpetuate this type excrement. Raise the bar Imus, although you probably can't get your fake hip over the bar.

I am for free speech, but Imus is quickly moving into mean spirited Alzheimer inspired drivel. Quack! Quack!

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