Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Question of National Pride

As the only state or republic that can fly its flag at the same level as the American flag, I am troubled by the recent capitulation of Oregon to the Republic of Mexico. When Texas fought for its independence from Mexico, it was not just white Anglo-Saxon settlers that joined in the battle. A quick visit to the sacred shrine of the Alamo proves that there were numerous heroes of Latin descent that fought the despot Santa Anna (not the legendary guitar shredder, Santana, but the General of the Mexican Army).

While Spanish was spoken by most Texican settlers, no Texan patriots felt the need to fly the Mexican flag over their captured territory. One wonders why Oregon is compelled to escalate the Mexican flag over the sovereign American flag of the republic to which they belong; especially, when this stature in flag position is based on the simple fact that some people at the Oregon Employment Department speak Spanish.

The fact that they are flying the Mexican flag is extremely insensitive and in fact racist. While Guatemalans, El Salvadorans, Panamanians and Hondurans have a similar racial composition, a mixture of Spanish conquistadores and native tribes they have neither pride nor interest in seeing the Mexican flag elevated over the Stars and Stripes. Moreover, if one insinuated that a Cuban, Dominican or Puerto Rican was Mexican or had any interest in La Raza would probably receive an insult in the most rapid Spanish spoken on the planet; damn they can speak Spanish fast. Finally, if one has a death wish call a Spaniard a Mexican, it would be safer to do the running of the bulls blindfolded with a gallon of sangria in ones stomach. The Spanish language does not equate to Mexican heritage.

To assist the Oregon Employment Department in a lesson in American sovereignty and multi-culturalism a contingent of Texans; White, Hispanic, Black and Vietnamese are prepared to descend upon the Department in question and enforce the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. This action by Jean Work is arrogant and an insult to all Americans and all Latinos not of Mexican heritage. Ms. Work I suggest you remember the Alamo, Guadal Canal, Iwa Jima and the soldiers in Iraq. See you in a couple weeks when we lower the Mexican Flag and raise that of the Lone Star State. Maybe that will shock you into some sense of sanity or reasonableness.

Recordar el Alamo! Recordar Goliad!

James Austin Bonham

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