Friday, May 18, 2007

Never Mind the Bollocks

Guest Opinion Blog by Garth Windham-Pryce of UK VU

It has been said when trying to figure out all things political one only need follow the money. Never mind that this statement is normally repeated by trite wankers that do not have a defence of what they posit. On a micro level money indicates some leanings by special interest and pundits. On a macro level however, it is much more complicated than a western capitalist coloured view of agenda motivations.

In China there is a thousand year plan for their purpose, following 1000 years of politically motivated yen distribution would be a serpentine if not impossible path to follow. The Mohammad Fascists are positioning themselves in the same manner. The flow of Saudi currency is quite confusing as they respectfully kiss the ring of the West while they stab it in the back with their fundamental Islamic groups.

More diabolical than the perennial list of nasties is the current amnesty that is being proposed in the States. This seemingly gracious proposal will help many hard-working, deserving, third-worlders grab a piece of the American dream. Is there really any losers--only the sovereignty of the American citizens. Being from the UK, their is some dark amusement in seeing the "Colonies" being sold down the river by their oligarchical political crown. The monarchical action of diluting citizenship for political expediency without the American citizens being represented is very similar to why the Revolutionary War was fought against Great Britain.

The American Revolution was fought for many things, but primarily the theme was freedom. Once could argue the Revolution was the peak and ultimate statement of the age of Enlightenment. Lockeian/Jeffersonian rationalism was essentially civil anarchy. Natural Law endows all humans with rights that no crown, government or religious movement can deny--although it has been tried for 6000 years. Thus civil anarchy is essentially one protecting ones rights while respecting the rights of all others.

Anarchy conjures visions of the Anti-Christ and pink haired punks with safety pins through their cheeks. Yet, if one looks at the western frontier of the Colonies in the 1700's there was essentially a cooperative anarchy. Not such a bad thing. With an overriding acceptance of Natural Law directing the civil anarchy--little government was needed for survival. This is definitely

Unknowingly, the American Congress has just validated civil anarchy by caving to those who disregarded the sovereignty of the United States. Thus, even traditional anarchy just proved it has power over the congress of America. Rush the border, ignore the host country's rule of law and the legislators cave to the anarchical movement.

As a journalist, I never thought I would be writing a piece that contained Locke, Jefferson and Johnny Rotten as like-minded philosophical theorists, but it seems the United States may be moving to the laissez fair/civil anarchy of said philosophers.If borders and the rule of law no longer have primacy in America it is defenceable to say that the American government is no longer needed, each man for himself--and if things get bad we will rush Canada's border. 1)'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.'; 2)'Promises, covenants, and oaths, which are the bonds of human society, can have no hold upon an atheist'; 3)'Never Mind the Bollocks'... All philosophies to live by.