Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Despair and Self-loathing in Armegeddon

Do you believe in predestination? Rationally, predestination did not seem possible-- we have Free Will and the right to act as one chooses. I always pondered such metaphysical mysteries when I accompanied my wife to church. It might be the endless acapella songs that prefaced the Sunday morning sermon that put me into a trance. I don't sing and since the Church of Christ did not believe in any type of musical instruments to accompany their hymns it seemed my tragic singing voice could be heard easier. The real reason I would drift off was my upbringing in the Brethren of the Kingdom of God which soured my tolerance for any organized religion. I was an equal opportunity heretic, from Baptist to Buddhist I was not buying it.

I am not an atheist, but more of a Quantum Deist. There is a higher power that can and does shepherd his creation in a certain direction. However, no person or organization can lead one to salvation--it is my responsibility to live a moral, ethical, and altruistic life and see where I end up. When I was five, I believed in organized religion and that the organization was the Brethren of the Kingdom of God, or "The Church" as it was termed by the brethren.

The Church was led by Harold Powers, God's Apostle. Trent Powers, Harold's son, was the heir-apparent to run The Church if Harold Powers was no able to fulfill his role as God's Apostle. It was unlikely that anything would happen to Mr. Powers as it was 1968 and the Tribulation was only four years away. The most obedient and worthy brethren of The Church would be whisked away to The Place of Safety, so as not to suffer the Tribulation like the "worldly" people.

At age five I believed in predestination. I did not know what the word meant, but the concept was cemented in my mind. We were God's chosen people so our future was assured. That was why I was so proud that I was fasting for the Day of Atonement for the first time. I was now one step closer of going to The Place of Safety.

The fasting was not easy. I remember my head was pounding nearly as bad as the time the bumble bee stung me near my eye. I looked at my two year old sister, Nicole with a mixture of anger, resentment and jealously. Nicole or Cole, as I had tagged her, was serenely sucking on a bottle of ice cold water while God's Apostle preached the truth in the October East Texas heat. I was 20 hours into the Day of Atonement fast and I was fantasizing about what I would eat once the sun set. I was proud of myself for fasting but with four hours until sunset and the increasing decibels of God's Apostle preaching "the truth"; my headache was worsening.

"Brethren, the days are growing short--even now Satan has put his minions in place. Soon Trent and I will go to Jerusalem to witness the deception of the Anti-Christ and die in the service of Jesus to bring about the Millennium. We will surely die in the streets of Jerusalem, but will miss out on the terrible Great Tribulation that will follow. If you do not obey and render your very hearts to God, YOU WILL NOT BE RESURRECTED AND RULE BY THE SIDE OF JESUS IN HIS KINGDOM. YOU WILL BE CAST INTO THE PITS OF GEHENNA.

I was sitting next to Mr. Allen and his breath smelled like rotten cantaloupe--this further increased my discomfort. Mr. Allen was a nice man who, at the best of times, had the scent of a very dirty armpit with fecal undertones. It was normally standard operating procedure to keep an empty seat between yourself and Mr. Allen, but today all of God's people within driving distance came to hear God's Apostle speak. It was standing room only and I was packed right next to Mr. Allen, who, as a habitual mouth-breather, was disseminating his malodorous foulness very effectively. Cole was escaping Mr. Allen's breath and much of the heat since she was lying on her pallet on the floor. Dad started making me sit up through the church services when I turned four, so now I was inside Mr. Allen's turd breath zone.

One benefit of sitting next to Mr. Allen was that I was able to get an up close view of his tremendous warts. The warts could be considered disfiguring, but I could not help being transfixed by the carbuncles. The largest wart was on the top right side of his head and was almost an inch in diameter, and then every one to two inches a wart protruded from Mr. Allen's head until the final wart nestled on top of his right eyebrow. In a cruel twist of irony, Mr. Allen had a very scant horseshoe of white gray hair around the sides and back of his head, but three huge coarse curly hairs grew out of each of the eight warts on his head. I had this overwhelming compulsion to reach over and pull one hair out of one of the warts, but of course I did not. I was very worried about these weird thoughts and compulsions I had, I knew I should not have bad thoughts or think ill of others; it could allow Satan to keep me out of the Place of Safety for my wicked thoughts.

I looked at God's Chosen People in the auditorium and was amazed how easy it would be to pick out a church member out of a crowd. Harold Powers made it clear that it was God's mandate that no woman should wear make up or be painted like a whore (I asked Dad what is a whore and he said it was bad woman and that is all I needed to know). Furthermore, women could wear no dress that rose above the knees. The men also had their own prohibitions, the hair must be worn short and sideburns could not come below the middle of the ear. Remember, this was 1968 and the "worldly people" were wearing their hair quite long. Likewise, bell bottoms were strictly prohibited since the drug taking, long haired, rock and roll hippies wore them. Aside from the outward appearance, I noticed that many of God's Chosen People were losers in life's earthly contest. Many had physical afflictions. Most were rather poor and several were the outcasts of society. Mom always told me it did not matter how God's people fared in the "worldly" domain, because soon we would be gods and rule at the right hand of Jesus. Dad always said the first shall be last and the last shall be first. That is probably why Mr. Allen did not have the warts removed. Once God brought Jesus back to rule over the Millennium all physical afflictions would be healed or removed. Also, if Mr. Allen removed the warts, it would show a lack of faith and might keep him out of the Kingdom of God. Of course, it would be fine if a Minister anointed Mr. Allen to have the warts removed, but if they remained that was God's will and he would have to live with the warts until the Millennium arrived. Again, I thought of predestination and wondered if Mr. Allen's warts had a celestial reason for their existence. Predestined?

Harold Powers, God's Apostle, continued his message of Millennial salvation. My earliest memories of "The Church" was thinking Harold Powers was God and Trent, being Harold's son, was Jesus Christ. It made sense to my three year old brain; the ministers always spoke of God the Father and his only begotten son. By five, I knew that the real God and Jesus were up in Heaven until Jesus comes back to cast Satan out of the world. Ironically, when I studied the faces of the other brethren it appeared that they thought he WAS God from the expressions of rapture, reverence, and awe. The brethren not only deified Harold Powers, they had complete faith in his message. Not only did they adhere to Holy Days that mainstream Christians would find strange if not heretical. The Day of Atonement was a good example, since The Church observed a majority of the Old Testament Jewish Holy Days, ate kosher, but also banned the observance of Christmas, Halloween and other "worldly" holidays. Finally, they gave 10% of their income to Powers all year long and additionally gave more offerings on the numerous Church Holy Days. It was expensive preparing the world for the return of Jesus and the casting out of Satan.

Mr. Powers was on a roll that day. We had been sitting on the torturous metal chairs for three hours and God's Apostle showed no signs of concluding his message.The auditorium was very hot because it had no air conditioning and close to two thousand brethren showed up to hear God's Apostle--all emanating heat, unbelievable body stench and an amalgam of toxic bad breaths that had no water pass their lips in twenty hours. To worsen things, my butt was sweating and a tremendous itch began that no amount of squirming could eliminate. I never new why they used the agonizing torture chamber chairs. The one upside were the chairs were excellent fart amplifiers.

My best friend, Richie, once purposefully cut a colossal fart on one of the rigid chairs during a church services; it sounded like 20 men unanimously hammering a tin roof with a ball peen hammer. Rich got five swats for breaking wind in church and the additional penalty of sitting on the malevolent chair with his sore butt for two hours, but WOW was it loud. Richie always claimed it was worth getting the five swats to create such a masterful example of fartmanship.


Just then, Powers slammed his hand on the podium and actually woke a few people up. However, Mom suddenly stiffened and a deep guttural growl came from within her. She then stiffened even more and then flung herself on Dad's shoes. She then kicked and literally screamed as if she was in extreme pain while one of her feet kicked Cole in the head causing her to open her eyes and started crying. Dad did his best to subdue Mom and several helped carry her to the back of the auditorium to the bathroom area. I was very frightened, but at the same time embarrassed by her disruption of the services. Richie's mom, Aunt Nancy, helped Cole and I get to the area where Dad was cradling Mom's head in his lap as a minister prayed over her. I now know Mom was having an epileptic grand Mal seizure, after which Mom had a period of time where she rambled in very disjointed sentences, spoke to people that were not present, and many times she would digress to a point where she acted as if she were in school or she was sixth or seventh grade. There were many anti-seizure medications, but Mom would not take them because she new God would heal her.

The more stress Mom was under the more seizures she had. When she went to college, where she met Dad, she had some extremely bad gran Mal seizures. Word quickly spread that Mom was possessed. Her room-mate swore she saw their toothbrushes floating in mid air. It was all rumor, in some circles she was ignored. Looking back what frustrates the Hell out of me is a few simple pills would have stopped or lessened her malady. But, that is now, back then the ministers knew all. Some praying, a couple drops of olive oil, and Mom was better. HORSE FECES, there were many times Mom would have a spell in the middle of night and scare the Hell out of Cole, but, most mornings she would wake kind of normal. And I assure you no minister and his olive oil anointed Mom.

Was this my first inkling of the predestination heresy--it probably was. No anointing or laying on of hands made Mom's seizures stop. There was a point in the late 1950's when Mom took the medicine and it greatly reduce her spells. Yet, when she arrived at the College of the Brethren, she was strongly admonished about the drugs as God will heal anything that was causing her problems. It turned out to be unadulterated pig sheist. Even when I was five I knew God was very selective in his miracles. I fervently prayed for a TV to pop up on my wall so I would not be so bored while napping--it did not happen. Maybe I did not pray hard enough, but I fervently wanted the TV. Why did God not answer me?

Now Mom was starting to come out of her spell, but was still really incoherent, talking gibberish and such. And that is when I had the overwhelming and instant need to vomit in a monumental fashion. This was not the type of vomit that one could swallow if to embarrassed to vomit in public. My vomit in the next second was going to be projectile and vile vomit. I had no time to make it to the bathroom so I turned and let loose a torrent of incredible volume for one my size. Was this vomiting a sign of my family's predestination. Being ostracized by friends for going to Church on Saturday and not being able to celebrate Christmas or Halloween (after Dad was fired from the college and we moved from the only home I ever knew)--or was it the banning of lay brethren from dating College Brethren-- or was it the missing out on athletic Scholarships because I could not compete on Saturdays. Maybe, it was the minister whom drove me to the church National Track meet that wanted to strip naked each night and give each other massages. Perhaps, it was the ban on the Church's college girls--yet the vomit continued on its own volition. I could not stop it--it was as if I was taking penance for my future trials. The drinking on the Holy Day's when I was 16, the premarital sex (as much and as often as possible). It may have been my later conviction that the Church was a bunch of crap and the whole lot of the Brethren could bugger off. Maybe by taking that position God turned his back on me, but as time went on I realized that Gehenna was not coming and I was doing just fine thank you.

As the vomit started to reduce I realized I had vomited of one of the ministers stylish white shoes and a matching belt that gave him the conservative "mod" look. The minister looked at me with righteous disgust and took a handkerchief out to wipe his shoes. He then said between clenched teeth, "You little bastard have you ever heard of using a bathroom--go get me some paper towels to wipe this mess up." Unfortunately for the the white-shooed minister I had just enough bile left in my stomach to stain his stylish paisley tie with a rather garish yellow-green muck of indelible puke that could never be removed from the vain minister's tie. Richie later said that was twice as good as his masterful percussionist fart.

I did not know what a "little bastard" was, but the fashion in which it was spoken to me made me understand that one should shy away from being a "little bastard". I was doing the walk of shame since I had just puked on a rather important member of the Church. That was when I began to believe in predestination--It looked as Mom and I would miss out on the place of safety, her being "demon possessed" and I being a little bastard. There was still time though, it was only 1968, maybe I could do something about being a little bastard. In the end, 1972 came and passed and know body went to The Place of Safety, or the following year and the year after that. In fact the prophesied Tribulation never came.

I soon learned what a little bastard was and I was certainly not one. But, there were months where I could not sleep, because of my fear of being left behind.

Now I look back at those days with a little amusement. There were deacons and ministers that one could liken to Hitler's SS. They were there to guard the Church and the "Truth". Now, the Church has splintered as if one hit a china dish with a 16 lb mallet. I wonder how the ruling class of the Church of old was handling not being an important fish in relatively good sized pond. Now, nobody gave a crap if they were deacons or elders. Most of the splinter groups were just trying to put back a gospel that all could live with and the uber-deacons and elders had to check their enormous hats and egos at the door.

I'm still not sure about predestination--the flashing insights I had into my future life did seem to have some merit, but was it because I had been indoctrinated into the church or did I have a guttural mystical experience. I am not sure, and guess it does not matter as much as a warm bucket of spit. I do know what Hell is like and Hell on earth was the manipulation, mistreatment and malfeasance of the brethren of the "Kingdom of God". I got out when I was 18, but still have dreams of having to hurry so we could go to The Place of Safety. What of those that came to the realization that they had been fed forty years millenial mendacities.

The "Church" no longer exists in the unified form as it did in the 1960's. The vain minister I puked on was found dead in a closet in what seemed to be an act of self-sexual aphixisation. Both the Powers are dead. They had a sad and meaningless power struggle over who would be the head of the church--which was non-existent two years later. The minister that molested me is still preaching somewhere--I guess God forgives those that really repent, but who knows we waited for the end of the world and it never happened, so maybe he is still into naked full body rub downs with sixteen years old boys.

In the end, I guess none of this means much when/if we meet our Creator. I do know being a slave to predestination turns one into a meek, malliable, automotons. And if one is an automoton predestination may exist. I choose the road that the carrion eating, billboard, TV Sunday self-promoters do not take--that of extorting as much money and ego from their flock. There is a God and I visit him every time I go for a long bike ride or run, or just having a quiet moment with my daughter--unconditional love, the supernatural, celestial love only a deity can bestow upon a person. The clarity and euphoria after these sessions no man can create or cause to be created. Sorry Jim Bakker you cannot give me these moments of peace, satisfaction, and true belief in God. Besides, I can sing to myself while I am running without a soul knowing it. I lived through the Tribulation, the potential end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine).

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Real Zen Year in Review


The Zen Year in Review 2

The existential comedian side of me wanted to post the title "The Zen Year in Review" and then have no actual texts since Zen is about being in the moment the Zen year in Review would essentially be the moment you wrote "The Zen Year in Review", and as you can see by this long run on sentence it would be a joke that few would get and if it takes this much explanation to describe the humor it probably is not that funny. But damn, it really is clever for any twisted existentials with a Zen leaning that find self-apparent ironies prettied up with post-graduate terminology. As many of you know from my investigative work on the death of Gonzo journalists and my own creation of a new literary style, I will experiment, but more often than usual my self-acclaimed movement of post-modern Neo Gonzoism creations are the lack of understanding proper grammar, but in this case I think there is some actual content or "content" or meaning or "self-validation" of this spewing of words in the context of the Zen year in review. James Joyce actually used this style but in a more literary and literal style. I am using it as a form of Zen meditiation a stream of consciousness, that really is going through my head. Actually, I think that is what Joyce was doing with Finnegans Wake or the other one I did not understand. But my is more important at this moment because it is happening in this moment and it was James Joyce that started this moment in the universe in motion with his works, but I am less literary in the traditional sense with the insertion of my real life, or my literary real life, which could be different from my literal life, literally. So in a sense this is a confluence of Literary Giants such as James Joyce, Hunter S. Thompson, Lester Bangs and Alfred E Neuman. You know you are getting close to the inner Buddha when it gets easier to let the thought or "noise" of your ego blow through your mind, as in the above. But then there are the times when all ego noise and thoughts are quiet. Photographers call it the "Golden Minutes"-- the sun and clouds and shadows and well the universe align and there is this ethereal golden glow that makes the film or shots almost other worldly-- those shots, pictures or portions of film let me fill a little closer to the inner Buddha, or soul, or God, or Holy Guardian Angel, or Grand Architect of the Universe, or the mouse that ate the cheese. But, the Zen golden moment accomplishes the same thing sometimes on a grander scale because there is a point where..............................................................................................................................................................................................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,., a fleeting moment when one does realize that all is one and we are just a minute mote in the moment and that is the whole universe at that moment. Then you get up and walk your dog, pick up the paper and mail the check for the water bill and just when you feel the golden moment of the inner buddha slipping behind the mundaneness of the ego world, you step in a pile of labrador crap from the guys dog across the street and you are back in the moment the now, all is sorrow, but that realization is what makes "the now" possible--be able to laugh, it is a universal truth that there will always be change, so the sorrow in the now is fleeting because all is changing and also you wipe the labrador crap off your foot with his newspaper. All is sorrow and laughing is what sorrow requires and as one Holy Yogi said, "If God did not have a sense of humor why would he when designing us put the recreational area so close to the toxic dump." The ego world seems to be returning and I am starting to have an overriding need to start another paragraph so this meditation is done, V out.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Marketing Religion

I live in a community where the Evangelists, ministers, preacher and others of the sacerdotal calling are compelled to have TV commercials and billboards. It seems that recruiting is more important than saving souls for their church to function.

This got me to thinking who does the best job of marketing their religion. I think the Buddhist do a great job as they teach all is sorrow until one gains enlightenment. So when you have a good day you think," Hey this Buddhist thing is not all bad." The Buddhist are savvy as they set the bar low in the temporal world--so when something remotely pleasant happens all Buddhists can rejoice.

Hinduism is one I cannot figure out. They seem to be seeking the same enlightenment as the Buddhists, but do it in a very different manner. They have all these different gods that they are to pray and worship to cure various elements and bad spirits. Hinduism is much like the Walgreens of religion, as they can fix what ails you and there is always one right around the corner. This is similar to what the Catholics do with their Saints.

It would be easy to throw Catholics and Protestants into the same bowl so for brevity I will. Where I think Christians go wrong is their continuous exclamations of the Kingdom of God being restored on earth. I was part of a cult that believed that for the most part the beginning of the end of the world would start in 1972. Most of the Sermons would be something like this:

That's great it starts with an earthquake. Birds and snakes and aeroplanes Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane listen to yourself churn. World serves its own needs dummy serve your own needs. Speed it up a notch speed grunt nose street burn. The ladder starts to clatter with dinner fight down height. Wire in a fire room represent the southern gangs. In a government for hire and a combat site. Lefty wasn't coming in a hurry.With the furies breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters grapple trunk tethered crop. Look at that low plane fine then. Uh oh overflow population cornered. But it'll do save yourself serve yourself. World serves its own needs listen to your heartbeat.Tell me that the reds are in the reverend in the right right? You patriotic patriotic slam fight right might feeling pretty psyched.

Needless to say the severe tones of these sermons toned down after 1972. But, besides the pre-mellinal view of Christianity--they just oversell it. You will pass on and be greeted by your family and loved ones and there is an unlimited supply of HoHoes since Angelic beings do not gain weight. This is just a bit of oversell, plus the only person who returned from heaven did not have it turn out quite so well, and while we are on that point, what was the Son of God doing with a Mexican name.

The biggest marketing quandary of the major religions is that of Islam. It is termed the Religion of Peace, but with the suicide bombing they are killing of their client base.

Maybe, religious marketing is not a point one should dwell upon. However, Jesus and his apostles did a lot of marketing. Buddhas' message spread throughout the Asia, there had to be some marketing involved to make this happen. I don't know how the Hindus did it if they did, but it is still around so their customer retention is laudable. It is the Muslims that have me in a quandary, they are rabid in their beliefs but willing to die and kill the infidel in the name of Allah. This is so they can primarily go to paradise for their 72 virgins. I think it is now time to do a statistical study on the deaths of Muslim virgins compared to Muslim martyrs. I have a feeling a few of those "virgins" are getting passed around a couple of times--just my opinion.

Friday, October 19, 2007

In Ahlahaha We Trust

When the Plymouth Brethren came to America they just wanted to be left the Frig alone. They had their way of worshiping and that is how they wanted to do it. This sentiment made it into the founding doctrines of our country. The most misunderstood is the separation of church and state. It is now believed that anything having to do with religion in public schools, governmental buildings our state colleges cannot be tolerated.

This view of the separation of church and state is complete crap and for the final time I will tell you why. In Europe and England there were state mandated religions, so in our new republic the founding fathers set up a barrier to inhibit government mandating a certain religion. Mainly, they were concerned with Catholicism, Calvinism or Lutheranism being mandated. Many of the founding fathers were Deists so in the technical sense not even Christian, but they were well aware of what could happen if the titular head of the government was also the grand poohbah of the state mandated religion. They had 1700 years of history to bear out the holocaust that could occur.

Now we are facing a religious holocaust brought on by those who want to be tolerant of a religion that has sects that are extremely intolerant. It is now in vogue to celebrate Ramadan in our public schools as an exercise in world culture and tolerance. This pig scheist is in direct contradiction of the incorrect version of the separation of church and state. If the incorrect version of the separation of church and state is to be enforced, Ramadan, nor other Islamic teachings should be allowed to be discussed in public schools. Why this is happening may be because of the perceived backlash of anti-Arabic/Muslim sentiments after 9/11. Nonetheless, the rule of law must be upheld, even if it is incorrectly enforced.

A more enlightened and multicultural approach would to spend two semesters on all world religions, INCLUDING CHRISTIANITY! As a student of comparative religions I have found that while the mythos may differ, most of the precepts of law and treatment of mankind are very similar. Even many of the martyrs of the Christos' are strikingly similar. Witness the crucifixion of Krishna from Hindu fame and that of Jesus Christ. While separated by thousands of years the allegory of the sacrifice of one for the providence of the many resonates today. Witness, the Hari Krishna's mobbing one at the airport and the Jehovah Witnesses mobbing one at ones house.

If we are not going to enforce the separation of church and state as originally intended can we at least do away with the religious bigotry of the educational politicos. More importantly, besides the tolerance one would learn from the study of world religions, perhaps many of our children would find peace and enlightenment in a particular religion. This may result in a reduction of drug abuse, abortions, teen violence and the basic ennui of most teens of generations of all ages.

This essay was not to be meant as a slam on Islam, at least the peaceful adherents of Islam, but rather the closed minded school administrators whose idea of thinking out of the box is trying on the new pair of Nike Shox.

Monday, October 01, 2007

US GAS Rolls On

Response Editorial by: Fred Rancid

I am upset and perturbed by Wyndham-Price's response to my proposal to the USOC, since it has not been formally proposed for competitive flatulence to be included in the Olympic Games. I do feel betrayed or should I say back stabbed, but if I would have been more prepared for a flatulent outburst I doubt that Wyndham-Price's stooge could have ever leaked my plan.

Yes, I think the United States could have supremacy in competitive flatulence, but not because we are the United States, but because we are a nation of immigrants made up of many habits, diets, and flatulent capacities. Simply, farting is not expelling stinky gas with a bit of musical chamber, but, more of an art where one must expel, insinuate and inspire in one act of intestinal and rectal art.

If competitive flatulence is allowed into the Olympics only for volume of timber, or quality of stench then competitive flatulence is not worth being an art of the Olympics. Competitive Flatulence is more about wine tasting and competitive gymnastics. Imagine Nadia Comenici doing a perfect dismount while urinating a "1967 Cote de Beaunne-Villages" in a shot glass while not dropping a spot outside the dismount area.

It is not about blowing wind, or letting fly with massive stench; it is about letting the eternal wind loose while one honors the flavors, scents and manifestations of Gaiea. My vision of competitive flatulence is beauty, while I fear the world's is destructive bombardment. If that is the case, the world is not ready, nor sophisticated enough to handle true appreciation of the flatulent art.

Competitive Flatulence in the Olympics

Special Editorial from Garth Wyndham-Price

I have heard from the centre of "As Above so Below" that there is a movement to include competitive flatulence in the Olympics. It is my understanding that Fred Rancid is the main colour bearer of this movement. It is understandable that the United States would look for another sport in which they could prevail.

Most in the free world will not dispute that the 1972 U.S. Olympic basketball team received the green weenie in the Gold medal match. However, Mr. Rancid and the USOC, especially should tread carefully when they think they can dominate the world Farting Competition. Witness only the Eastern bloc Europeans whose sole diet is sauerkraut and blood sausage of Pygmy donkeys. Flatulence in these countries is not an interesting pastime, but a biological need of survival. Gats man, have you ever tried to pass a pygmy donkey hove.

Likewise, it is my perception that Mr. Rancid has forgotten his friends to the south. Oh yes, there are the Mexicans who mainly live on rice and beans, but that is Holy Water compared to the Haitians whose main diet is lava rocks and beaks of sacrificed voodoo chickens. Let us not forget the Jamaicans, their diet is quite healthful, but their consumption of ganja and magic mushrooms allows them to mystically expel the pent up frustrations of their ancestors.

I am an Anglophile, I believe our Scottish friends could compete. Lord knows the Irish would blow the perfect storm just to piss in the Queens face, but do we-- the UK and the US have the talent to overcome those that are forced, by their natural surroundings, have the ability to overcome that with our training and nutritional supplementation. I think not.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Universally Undeniable Facts

1. While Eric Clapton may be the greatest living rock guitarist Duane Allman was already there at age 25.

2. The 1993 Dallas Cowboys were, are and will be the most dominant football team ever.

3. If Hillary Clinton walked a mile in polyester pants her thighs would start a devastating forest fire.

4. Sometimes, the perfect fajita marinade and the coldest of beer are better then sex.

5. #4 is rarely true but when it is it is orgasmic

6. Blind Faith is human stupidity

7. The first minute of GNR Sweet Child o Mine may be the most gripping rock ever.

8. The world did not end in 1972

9. Humans are NOT abducted by aliens. However, your sweat socks are.

10. Justin Timberlake--OVERRATED

11. At this point in time in the United States, your vote does not really count. It may technically tally up towards your candidate, but given the choices we have to vote for it is essentially one in the same.

12. #11 just pissed of a lot of patriots, but please refer to Garth Wyndham-Price's cooperative anarchy.

13. The Holy Bible is not entirely Holy nor is it the Gospel as in good news. Just read St. Johns bad mushroom trip in Revelations and you tell me that is good news.

14. The world did not end in 1976

15. G. W. Bush is not as smart as he appears.

16. Competitive farting should be allowed in the Olympics-for God's sake we let synchronized swimming in.

17. Bill Clinton is wanker with a curve

18. Some say Larry King is overrated, but for a 4 year old corpse his work is commendable.

19. The funniest guy on late night talk is the Scottish guy--give the bloke a Guinness and hagas

20. If Jesus was Hebrew why did he have a Mexican name? Huh, makes you think...

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Wonder Bread of Southern Rock

Guest Columnist Cameron S. Thompson

Lynyrd Skinyrd's Southern anthem "Freebird" is perhaps the most popular song of Southern Rock fans. However, it has suffered the same demise as Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven". It is interesting that fantastic songs can lose their luster by over exposure.

In the 1980's invariably there were several drunk pseudo-cowboys screaming "Freebird" at last call. Many bands complied and that was the beginning of the downward spiral of the Wonder Bread of Southern Rock. The Allman Brothers band may have a valid argument about that one moment when Southern Rock reached the pinnacle of Rock Stardom.

However, "Freebird" came at the right moment and the three hour solo at the end of the song did not hurt fan the fervor at concerts. But, then "Freebird" became trite. Cover bands used it for their closing set, movies used it to depict anything from entering the deep south to reminiscing the '70's. But as all trite things they soon run their course and vanish into the Kingdom of Triteness.

"Freebird" has had a recent resurrection used in an emotionally inspiring way that brings back the great memories that "Freebird" once evoked. "Freebird" was used in Forest Gump when his long time love, Jenny, coked out, is on the ledge contemplating suicide. The song has even made it into pop-culture iconic status as the Simpsons. Perhaps, the most amusing and moving use of "Freebird" is in Cameron Crowe's movie "Elizabethtown". The Skynird version is not even used, but the passion and humor is moving to any lover of the song.

But, for God's sake please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please quit shouting "Freebird" at last call at a local club. The original reason to shout "Freebird" was prompted by a DJ who thought it would be funny to do so at a Florence Henderson concert--I agree that is hilarious, but any other use of the shout should result in the immediate removal of the taint meat of said shouter.

How to be a car salesperson

Approach the customer and warmly greet them and then use terminology similar to this: " Yeah, rebate--coefficient of drag, horsepower, zero percent, ABS, JD Powers--safety ratings-- airbags, talk to my manager, special price, zero to 70, do you a favor, test drive, leg room, engine, 38 cubit feet, horsepower, see my business manager, color selection, Motor Trend, side curtain Car and Driver, alpine air filled air bags, gas mileage, great trade in, Motor Trend, .39 coefficient of drag, dual exhaust safety horn, safety crumple zone seat warmers, all wheel drive air conditioner, can I earn your business today?

Works every time. Oh if they do try to leave, throw their trade in keys on the roof.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

lol ;)--hey don't pee in me Tea or I'll give you one in shcnauz

Both of you that read my blog know that I have a habit of getting wordy. I think my biggest issue may be the quasi-synthetic flavors I give the Ionic rythms of my rhetoric blah abalablahbllahll.

Briefly, by brief I mean under 3,000 words, I am concerned about what You Tube and sites like it are doing to our written means of communication. OK, I know there is not a soul that is looking for perfect grammar on these boards, but should one get slammed for putting 3 sentences together? I gave a brief editorial on why I thought Freebird was the peak of Southern Rock anthems and was slammed for my thoughts. I did not think it was that cerebral nor did I feel I was writing down to the audience, but slammed I was.

I should be fair, I made some editorial comments on the "Infinite Godness" of Guns and Roses, and got some thumbs up. I am on the cusp of being a baby boomer and Gen Xer, but love bands like Sum41 and Mest, but think it's OK to give a 3 line written comment without being called mr. Smartypants...and by the way sir it is Lord Smarty, Third Duchee of Pants, and Protectorate of the Royal Garter.

Good Day Sir and for my Gen Yers that means "tsup Vfly owt".

As a post script, todays article was to be entitled "Only Virgins Need Apply". Please drop me a line and let me know if my choice was correct.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Vick Goes Down, Pro Choice, Pro Life and Lesbos Unite

So Michael Vick goes down. He is now admitting his savagery of breeding and fighting pit-bulls. So all enlightened can feel happy, self-righteous and pat each other on the back. State will now pass bills that will make it illegal or even more illegal (can something be more illegal--see undocumented workers versus illegal aliens). Mark one for the good guys these sweet lovable animals will now be raised to become family dogs rather than dogs that can bring a bull down, for which they were bred.

No longer will there be carcasses thrown aside because they are no longer needed by the owner. This will no longer happen to pit-bulls, but viable humans will be partially delivered and their brains will be sucked out of their heads and its carcass is thrown aside. How enlightened do you feel now?

Howl and scream all you want about the women's right to choose, but once that women is 8 months old in the womb she should have the same rights. Believe it or not I am not Anti-abortion. There are times they should be done, but since we are all enlightened and we use condoms and birth control their is little need for abortion--right.

I think PETA, GLAAD, and all Pro-Life groups, as well as pro-baby groups, pro-grandparents and pro- Aunts and Uncles should form a coalition to see that third tri-mester babies receive the same right as pit-bulls. After we take the first step of being equal to pit-bulls we can then start a campaign that third trimester babies are people.

I did leave out one special interest group that could also benefit from us not killing babies in the mothers womb, and that is all the straight parents that are unable to have children but would love to nurture one. However, when you can make an alliance with PETA, GLAAD and the NRA you will get some media coverage. I think most in the NRA would support not killing children in their mother's womb. Now that is a coalition PETA, NRA and GLAAD. Just imagine the parade all floats would be powered by hybrid vehicles. The NRA members could have their 12 gauge painted the Gay pride colors and wear leather thongs. Meanwhile, PETA would supply large amounts of carrots for the colorful GLAAD members to throw to the crowd. Keep your calendar open for this one

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Krishna, Jesus, JFK, and Barack Obama

Special Guest Editorial by "Dios the Martyr"

There will be many offended by this article but, I hope it will offend all equally. I have penchant for philosophy, esoteric studies, and world religions and have found it strange how these subjects are becoming increasingly similar to modern politics. This is not a new phenomenon, but during the Crusades religion was your politics and philosophy.

In more modern times Hitler amalgamated all of these components to take a Germanic people with a suffering economy, and still hurting from WWl to unite in this strange uber-cult of racial purity and the need for world domination so the pure Arians could begin the 1000 year reich. There is much speculation that Hitler was part of the Thule Society, an esoteric and some say Satanic organization. The point is mute as Hitler's plan whether Satanic or otherwise damn near worked.

What is interesting about all demi-gods, gods incarnate, or charismatic politicians is they are looked upon as Saviours. Another interesting thing about these so called "Saviours" is there seems to be a repetition in history or a mythos that raises them to a quasi-deity status. Their demise, or rather the story of their demise puts them in a pantheon of a select few.

I will not bore you with the story of Krishna. It is very ancient and its veracity could be questioned, but he was sacrificed on a cross and became a god. This occurred at least 1000 years before Jesus Christ suffered the same demise. Now was the Christ mythos used to spring-board Christianity from a small Jewish cult to a new religion which may eventually lead to power and dare we say it riches. Let us first examine what the political and cultural atmosphere was during the life of Jesus.

Until the discovery of the Dead Sea Scroll and the Qumranian texts, most of what we had to base the life of Jesus on was the Holy Gospel and some historians vague writings 100 years after the crucifixion. However, we now have learned that Jesus was part of the Qumarnian society, what would now be considered something similar to a monastery. Some say the society at Qumran was in fact the Essenes, but lets leave that discussion for another day as there is something much more factual and interesting concerning what appears in our bibles.

Several time Jesus was referred to as Jesus of Nazareth. Scholars have combed through the detailed Roman records of 30AD and there is no record of a town called Nazareth. So why was Jesus tagged with this moniker? Jesus was a Nazarite or more correctly a Nasorean, a holy man that kept very strict cleanliness laws. Another interesting dichotomy is the use of the word Messiah. In our modern English Messiah means a saviour that is sent from Heaven to save the world from the edge of destruction. However, to the Jews of two millenniums ago messiah meant a leader that would lead them from subjugation of the Romans, Babylonians, Hittites, etc. Was Jesus considered a Messiah--yes. He was a holy man that was intent on rallying the Jews to accept the Testament that was passed down from Jehovah to Moses and through the line of David.

In light of these new discoveries many Christians may go ballistic at the thought that Jesus was not the Son of God, the Holy Spirit and God. My purpose of this essay is not to demean Jesus or Christians, but to perhaps the veracity of the early church fathers who seemed to look at the Christ mythos of Krishna, Adonis, Mithra and many other "deities" that preceded Jesus. In point of fact, setting aside the matter of Jesus' divineness his teachings that are being extracted from the new found scrolls are thousands of years ahead of his time. He taught that all humans had the right of citizenship, yes including women. He believed that if mankind lead a pious life and the leaders acted in an ethical manner there would be a balance and peace that would be very similar to what many Christians will be established with the second coming of Jesus. Divinity or not this was a brilliant man and we should strive to establish his teachings, just as the founding fathers and many others have fought for.

So what does this rather esoteric history lesson have to do with American politics of the last fifty years? John F. Kennedy was a charismatic leader that was witty, attractive and showed leadership. He was also a philanderer and would pursue victory no matter the cost. Simply, he was human he had many excellent talents but had some faults also. Kennedy's presidency was not particularly outstanding, but he did avert the Cuban missile crisis and passed a Reaganesque tax cut (I know that is heresy to many of our left leaning partisans). Yet, Kennedy is thought of as one of our most inspiring Presidents--why?

Most of the credit should go to Jackie Kennedy--she instituted a Christ mythos, Camelot. King Arthur another mythical Christ like figure who had many years of peace and prosperity. Another, astute action by Mrs. Kennedy was mimicking the funeral of Abraham Lincoln. This subconsciously linked JFK with another great President that was lost too early. Again, a Christ mythos from the past elevates a person to the pantheon of the superior humans in history.

Barack Obama has many of the talents that JFK had. Will he become President? Who knows, but my fear is if he becomes President will we have another candidate for entry into the pantheon of the Christ mythos. While the radical race-haters have diminished in numbers, their intensity of hate has grown. I, like many, fear that Mr. Obama would not survive his first term.

Which brings us back to the teachings of Jesus. A people that live a righteous life in partnership with an ethical and non-self serving government could have a form of heaven on earth. That does not seem probable in the near future. My hope is their really is a Saviour in the pantheon of the Christ Mythos that will intervene. For now our politicians make the Sanhedrins look like the Red Cross. God have mercy on our souls.

Note from Victor: This is some pretty volatile stuff that "Dios the Martyr" has written so I welcome all guest editorials that are well thought out and not demeaning or just rants about fire and brimstone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Question of National Pride

As the only state or republic that can fly its flag at the same level as the American flag, I am troubled by the recent capitulation of Oregon to the Republic of Mexico. When Texas fought for its independence from Mexico, it was not just white Anglo-Saxon settlers that joined in the battle. A quick visit to the sacred shrine of the Alamo proves that there were numerous heroes of Latin descent that fought the despot Santa Anna (not the legendary guitar shredder, Santana, but the General of the Mexican Army).

While Spanish was spoken by most Texican settlers, no Texan patriots felt the need to fly the Mexican flag over their captured territory. One wonders why Oregon is compelled to escalate the Mexican flag over the sovereign American flag of the republic to which they belong; especially, when this stature in flag position is based on the simple fact that some people at the Oregon Employment Department speak Spanish.

The fact that they are flying the Mexican flag is extremely insensitive and in fact racist. While Guatemalans, El Salvadorans, Panamanians and Hondurans have a similar racial composition, a mixture of Spanish conquistadores and native tribes they have neither pride nor interest in seeing the Mexican flag elevated over the Stars and Stripes. Moreover, if one insinuated that a Cuban, Dominican or Puerto Rican was Mexican or had any interest in La Raza would probably receive an insult in the most rapid Spanish spoken on the planet; damn they can speak Spanish fast. Finally, if one has a death wish call a Spaniard a Mexican, it would be safer to do the running of the bulls blindfolded with a gallon of sangria in ones stomach. The Spanish language does not equate to Mexican heritage.

To assist the Oregon Employment Department in a lesson in American sovereignty and multi-culturalism a contingent of Texans; White, Hispanic, Black and Vietnamese are prepared to descend upon the Department in question and enforce the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10. This action by Jean Work is arrogant and an insult to all Americans and all Latinos not of Mexican heritage. Ms. Work I suggest you remember the Alamo, Guadal Canal, Iwa Jima and the soldiers in Iraq. See you in a couple weeks when we lower the Mexican Flag and raise that of the Lone Star State. Maybe that will shock you into some sense of sanity or reasonableness.

Recordar el Alamo! Recordar Goliad!

James Austin Bonham

Queen- Somebody to Love

If nothing else do this

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Only the Jews Written in Adam's Book can Be Saved

My continuing swapping of e-mails with an Australian Pentecostal pre-millenialist has taken a mind blowing turn. Our discussion evolved to who can be saved. I posited that if a Jew accepted Jesus as his personal saviour, was baptised and confessed his sins he could be accepted into the Kingdom of God. My all-knowing sacerdote proclaimed if they were from the seed of Adam they would be accepted, but if descended from Cain they were doomed. For all Christians that may be reading this blog please forgive me for my following comment--What the Fuck?!?

First of all, most scholars agree that the myth of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden is a derivation from a Sumerian origin myth. So who is the uber-genealogist that has kept track of those in the Book of Adam and the Book of Cain. Likewise, recent research has proven that their is no racial genetical link between those that call themselves Jews. Which makes sense since the Jews have been scattered all over the Mid-East, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Now I know that the Jews are a holy people, but I think it would be a safe assumption to say that many Jews had relations with their hosts/captors/slave-owners. So maybe a once pure Semite blood line was now intermingled with peoples from the known ancient world. So my query is if there is a "Jew" that is in the Book of Cain, but he has Teutonic, Mongol and Greek blood, is he condemned from the Kingdom of God?

Another interesting aspect of the all-holy, all-knowing, Jew hating, "Minister of God" is his assertion that the Holy Bible is canonical and all words are inspired by the Almighty. When I asked him how many books are in the bible he quickly proclaimed 66. But, a quick search on Wikipedia shows that the Catholics, Lutherans, Coptics and King James have a hard time on agreeing with which books should be in the Bible. Combine this with the infighting among the early Christians, which contained factions of Gnostics, those that believed Christ was a holy man but not the Son of God, and those that believed in the Divinity of Jesus. Much allegations of heresy were thrown around and Constantine finally put the sandal down at the Council of Nicene, which for the most part gives us the extant version of our current bible, with a bit of tweaking.

One troubling issue is the discovery of the Qumranian scrolls in the mid 1900's which were written during and shortly after the time of Christ. Some things that negates the supposed "accepted" bible is James the Just was the first leader of the Church of Jerusalem not Peter. "St." Paul was not following the teaching of Christ but inventing a "Christian" mystery religion that appealed to the Hellenic/Roman culture of the time. The magical actions of the Christ put him in the pantheon of the Hellenistic Gods. However, the Nasoreans or proto-Christians knew that Paul's teaching had nothing to do with the Messiah's gospels. Witness Paul's abduction when he brazenly entered the Jerusalem temple to address his "followers" when they started to stone him but eventually just imprisoned him in a shack on a hill overlooking the Temple. The true believers knew that Paul was the "Spouter of Lies" that was repeatedly mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Jesus' teachings were 1700 years before his time. He believed that all men AND women had the right to salvation. He believed as long as the faithful worshipped correctly and the King lead righteously, life would be in balance or Shalom. Teachings of great wisdom. I find it hard to believe that he would forsake his own "race" into the kingdom of Shalom.

And for those that still have a problem with this treatise ponder these two points. If the Dead Sea Scrolls prove that Jesus was not resurrected but died as a mortal, all of Christianity comes tumbling down on the one thing that made Christianity a religion--the Divinity of Christ. Likewise, Jesus of Nazareth was thought to be from Nazareth, but Nazareth did not exist until well after his death. Oh and one final point if Jesus was a Jew how did he get a Mexican name.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Sum41- In too deep

Rest in Peace Rodney, Finally some Respect

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The Gospel According to Self-Righteous

I had a very interesting exchange of posts with a former Mason who became born again and was now in the most infallible correct church of God Almighty. Our discourse was civil and for me enlightening. The Pastor was under the impression that the United States of America was under the evil influence of communism. I did not completely disagree with him as the Socialist movement especially the Radical Environmental Socialist Movement was becoming a threat to society.

What started the rhetoric was my contention that most Masons I knew were very moral men and gave great and good effects on the society. It seems that the biggest issue in most of the charismatic/Pentecostal groups is they literally translate the word of the Gospel. They have problems with Masons because they do not view the Godhead as a triune. In fact they actually conduct rituals and worship what would be blasphemous in the strictest sense of hard-core Protestants and Catholics; and to add another category Charismatic/Pentecostals whom believe the gospel is the literal translation of the word of God and Constantiniun Council of Nicene did little to change the inspired word of God.

Aside from the extant apocryphal writings that have been around for several centuries, the scroll from Qumran have enlightened scholars to the political, social and spiritual atmosphere of around AD 30. There was great lost when John the Baptist was done away with and this left a void in the Qumranian structure. A figurative pillar on the right was meant to be that of the King and the figure on the right was that of the High Priest. These things have been discovered and many cases refute the writings in the "Holy Gospel".

My quasi/seminarian/historical rant is meant to warn those that are cornered by enthusiastic Christian types. There is a whole new work of the time that alters and frankly demystifies the so called Magical works that Jesus did. In fact, Jesus was more of a revolt leader against the Romans and Sanhedrins...most wont believe that, but if you want to blow their mind ask them why he was called Jesus of Nazareth. Most will proclaim he lived in Nazareth. Ask them to find to find Roman or Hellenic presence of Nazareth before 60 AD. Jesus was a Nasorean or Nazarite--see Samson, a holy man.

This rant is not to take away from the incredible teachings that were passed along by Jesus and his brother James the Just. More simply, it is to ask those that spew gospel from a 2,000 year old bible with numerous translations and derivations to simply agree there is a truth out there, but are we, no matter how much faith, equipped to truly proclaim on high this is what God meant!

One post script that differentiates Christianity from most other religions is, if Jesus did not arise to heaven on the third day we are dead in the water. But, does this negate the teaching of love, charity, prudence, aid to ones fellowman? I think not. Buddha died, Mohamed died (or went away), Krishna was crucified, and rose again. Could it be that Jung was right and there is an archetype that pervades the human psyche that connects certain emotional, spiritual and even sexual sub-conscious emotions.

I ask our charismatic/Pentecostal/Assembly of God and all other sects of the Gospel that proclaim the bible is the virtual history and word of God to briefly suspend their enormous faith and investigate if just possibly that 3000 years of verbal communication and multiple translations into various languages may have lightly alter what was meant to be the true Gospel?

What I am learning is, when all the myths and early church cover-ups are sifted through--there was a true Jerusalem Church that was motivated and infused with the teaching of Jesus and James the Just carried on this true holy Gospel, until the Paulians bastardized it with an Hellenic Mystery Religion that has little to do with the true Gospel of Jesus. Thus, Pauls condemnation of the Phillipians, Galations; etc..

Open your eyes! Yes, use the bible as a reference, but also look at the writings that were rejected by the later church but were written during or shortly after Jesus' deaths. Likewise. become familiar with parlance of the Jews of that time. The English translation cannot be taken at face value. One must put the scriptures in the meanings of the Jews and Romans of that time.

I don't plan to convert anybody, hell I don't have anything to convert anybody to, but I would like some people to open their minds and look beyond the written scripture. The thought that a Levitical Jew would, in the case of Lazarus, touch a rotting putrefying corpse to bring him back to life, simply goes against all cleanliness rules of that time--especially that of a holy man. THINK ABOUT IT!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Pit Bulls, Doping Cyclists, The NFL, Abortions and Denial of Lesbo Adoptions

I never thought I would appreciate the code of ethics of the methamphetamine inspired Hells Angels. A great philosopher once said, " I much more trust the bastard that tells me he is going to stab me in the back, then the shiny toothed politico that is shaking my hand warmly while preparing to stab me in the back." The Hells Angels are pretty much the bastards that will kick, stomp, or obliterate ones arse if a certain line is crossed. Yet, after said arse is kicked, stomped or otherwise assaulted you will be welcome to have a cordial with the Angels.

The Hells Angels discussion may seem a bit outside the realm of the title of this posting but, I wanted to contrast the iconic bad boys of the last fifty years to seemingly valid organizations and their continual journey into ethical compromising and disambiguity. One may think I am referring to the NFL, Professional Baseball and the governing bodies of professional cycling, but I am not. It is no secret that these professional sports organizations have been slow to act on doping and performance enhancing agents, but they have continually tightened the noose on those that try to cheat the system.

Special props should be given to the Tour de France and several teams that self governed themselves and threw out their stars because of a hint of doping. Yellow Jersey owner, Michael Rasmussen, was kicked off the Rabobank team simply because he could not account for where he was several months before the Tour. As of this writing, there is still no evidence that illegal enhancing agents have been found in his samples. Let me stress, the Tour officials did not ask Rasmussen to vacate, HIS TEAM DID! Surely if cycling can self-govern, the Commissioner of Baseball can grow some nads and enforce some form of steroid enforcement--see Barry Bonds.

This narrative may make one think that it is my view that the NFL should immediately expel Michael Vick from the League for his pending dog fighting ring case. As horrendous and despicable as dog fighting is Vick has not been found guilty, nor is it a performance enhancing agent that will assist Vick with his QB rating. Additionally, if Vick is found guilty and given probation he should be allowed to play, if any team will have him---see Jerry Jones. Vick's real judgement will come when Karma puts him in the 9th level of Hell populated by butt-hungry dobermans and pit bulls; much more equitable than a two year suspension from the NFL.

Which brings us to the villains of the month--PETA or the People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals. Admittedly, they are dogging Vick to no end about his case, but if we are going to give animals the same basic civil rights as humans can we agree that this principle should be given to all mammals that do not have the ability to defend themselves? Yes, this is where I launch into the trite and tired defense of late term abortions.

The victimization of fighting dogs is not right and senseless. Yet, why should those that have late term abortions, by late term I refer to 8 months and older, be treated any different than Michael Vick. Those that opt for killing an 8 month old fetus are in some sense more diabolical than those that breed dogs for fighting. Firstly, with the all powerful condom now universally accessible how can there be any unwanted pregnancies. Secondly, if for some reason there is a condom failure it can only be considered sadistic to wait seven months to destroy what is at that point a human being. Finally, it is selfish and inconsiderate for those that opt for a late term abortion rather than allowing Gay and Lesbian couples to have a chance to adopt these viable humans.

Abortion is the law of the land and there can be no legal standing against the ghouls that kill their babies a month from being born, but again there is always karma. I believe PETA and GLAAD should align to extinguish all violence and torture to mammals and other animals. Michael Vick's actions, if true are beyond the pale of humanity, but what of a human that destroys another viable human being with apposable thumbs, heartbeat and brain waves because it was simply inconvenient. Vick is the bastard that tells you he is about to stab you in the back, but the late term abortion mother is the white toothed politician the nurtures and feeds you for eight or nine months and then sucks your brains out. One is evil the other supremely diabolical in a meaningless self-centered way. This world needs neither.

Which brings us back to egalitarianism of the Hells Angels and it seems the professional cycling world is adapting their version of self-rule just as their motorized brothers. For the rest of lost, directionless, selfish and simply brainless self-interest groups there is but one solace. The Beelzebub of the media, Mark Burnett, will forever trump any evilness, diabolism or sin that the aforementioned groups committed; for he, Mark Burnett, is the one that gave a platform to the Anti-Christ--Clay Aikens. May God have mercy on his soul.

Monday, July 23, 2007

What We Learned From the UK Summer of Terror

Guest Opinion by Garth Wyndham-Price of UK VU

One must wonder why the UK has been the centre of terrorist attacks rather than the States. One must look at the magnitude of hatred for the States by the terrorist and put it in comparison to the hatred of the UK. One must look at the involvement of the States in Iraq compared to that of the UK and wonder why this does not colour the intensity of response by the Islamo-Fascist Terrorist. One can wonder and continue to wonder, but the answer is self-evident.

As unpopular as the Iraqi war has become in the United States there is one overriding result of which few speak. Since 9/11/2001 there has not been an attack on U.S. soil. There have been attempts but in comparison to that of the UK, it is minuscule. The American resolve and forceful response in Iraq has had an impact. While the Islamo-Fascists and Al-Quaeda have responded with suicide bombs and speeches full of bravado--their future is a descending quagmire of death and chest beating that is only propped up by religious extremism.

If one doubts that the U.S. action in Iraq is a reason why the terrorist have had no luck on American ground, look at the timing of the attempted attacks in the UK. The change in government undoubtedly triggered the summer attempts on many UK sites. While nothing occurred in the States. One reason may be the sturdiness of the American form of government. Few democratic republics can peacefully and efficiently change governments like the Americans. The UK may have proved they, like the Americans can also affect this change, but the terrorists felt the UK had a weakness, witness all the attempted attacks this summer.

Another reason for the lack of terrorist violence in the States may be the citizens themselves. While the radical Islamo-Fascists will strap bombs to their bodies and kill a handful of people, the majority of American citizens swear allegiance to their country and volunteer to die in their countries military actions. In the end, despite the rhetorical bravado spewed by the Muslim terrorists, they must feel a little fear and doubt--all suicide bombs and pending virgin paradise aside. Muslims are united by a religion but, there are sects and nationalities that create schisms. While Americans are united by a border of a country, but more importantly national pride and allegiance.

The UK has a similar form of national hegemony, but what separates the United States is the magnitude and fortitude in which they back up any threat to their nation. Yes, they are a world power, but 150 years ago so was Great Britain. The lesson--most Americans believe the war in Iraq is not all out enough. The fight is being executed in a politically correct fashion that has little to do with shock and awe. Yet, when compared to the remainder of the Free World, the U.S. response is "Awesome". The UK, and other allies, should take a lesson from the upstart Americans--the Muslim terrorists are.

We Don't Need No Sticking Bajjjes

Disintegration of all police departments would seem an insane and anarchical stance, but as Americans we are very close to this now. Parking tickets, speeding tickets, public intoxication, showing your johnson in public, etc., etc., etc. These are all things that our police now enforce and rightly they should, but what about laws on the books that are not being enforced.

In Houston illegal immigrants that are pulled over for a traffic violation that do not have legal ID are released because the Houston PD does not want to get involved in immigration. Several members of the Border Patrol have been prosecuted by the testimony of illegal immigrant drug dealers. Their biggest crime, keeping illegal aliens out of our country.

Maybe we don't need to do away with the police department, just the people that police the police departments. I would posit one's on the street police officer would do the right thing the majority of the time if it was not for the involvement of the anal, counter-productive, paper pushing policy makers. The policy makers have no street experience, nor do they really understand what faces our country. What they do have as a unifying force is a political agenda dictated by their puppy-dog leash holding politico masters; see Nancy Pelosi.

Carlos Mencia's solution to not experiencing a terrorist attack is to fly Southwest Airlines. As Carlos claims, "Just tell a black guy he will not be able to land in Oakland." Simply, the Southwest passengers will not restrain you or kick your ass--they will do you bodily harm until the threat is removed and in most cases this means death. Being from Dallas, where Southwest was born, I can especially attest to this when free beer is given for a late arrival.

My point is, the police and most citizens will enforce the common law as it is now known. Conversely, beliefs of special interest groups such as the ACLU are not accepted nor believed by most. In the infancy of this country there was a sparse law enforcement structure, but there was a firm and consistent common law structure that the citizens embraced. In fact, when law enforcement needed help, the citizens would assist in catching the criminal. At this point, we cannot return to this structure. First we must allow law enforcement to do their job--without the bureaucrats and Milquetoast policy makers.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Beaner Voice of Rightiousness

I have watched Carlos Mencia from time to time, and in the beginning I was not sure he was for real. His uber-candidness about Islamo-fascism made me think he was poking fun at any patriot who believed in the war on terror. Recently, I viewed one of his specials and realized it is no act.

Carlos appreciates the fact that he is an American. Likewise, he is proud of his Mexican heritage, not Hispanic--his parents were Mexican. All groups, ethnicities, creeds, religions, and quasi-self-promoting-protected "special interest groups" are fair game--even Mexican-Americans (thus my use of "Beaner" in the title).

Carlos once said," If there is a black joke I can't tell in Oakland, a beaner joke I can't tell in East L.A., or a cracker joke I can't tell in the South-- I don't have the right to tell the joke". Carlos does not use super-insulting racial slurs. However, you will find his use of "Beaner" sprinkled frequently in his act. He has the right he is one, but more than that he is American. Like all of us.

Carlos is the reincarnation of Richard Pryor in the sense that he has dis-empowers the political correctness that has caused us to edit our speech so much that it is hard anymore to be considered free. Carlos is especially critical of Islamo-fascist, and yes, he will refer to terrorists as Arabs. While our government has taken much effort not to "paint" all terrorists as Arabic, Carlos' message is simple--our terrorist enemies to the greatest extent are Arabic. There are terrorists of all nationalities, but Carlos is doing topical (and patriotic) stand-up, and our immediate enemy are the members of Al-Quaeda.

I doubt a white man could speak with the candidness of Mencia, which is a shame. However, the important thing, just as Prior did in the 1970's, Mencia is breaking the fascist/communist practice of political correctness. Yes, we need to treat all groups as equal and with fairness, but Mencia's philosophy is, you want equality, be prepared to be treated equally. If one does not understand what Carlos means, You Tube his bit on wheelchair occupants and amusement parks.

I can't believe what Carlos Mencia says. I hope there are stand up comedians everywhere taking notes. What he does is more than side-splitting humor. It is patriotism and democratic-republicanism in its finest form.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Reader Response to Various Blogs

After obscurity in the world of Blogs, I was extremely surprised to see many emails, some vehement to recent blogs posted on my site. I wish I could take full credit for sudden influx of reader response, but much of it is because of guest writers.

The most polarizing of guest blogs was that of Garth Windham-Price. Garth's main theme was that of maintaining American sovereignty, but feared that a combination of Islamo-fascism and the lemming rush of Mexican and Central Americans across the border threatened the said sovereignty. His solution was to return to a civil anarchy that expanded the American frontier and bonded like minded (and yes mostly Anglo Saxon people) to preserve their republic. Nonetheless, here are some responses to Windham-Price's essay:

Where does that English bastard get off telling us how to run our country. I notised he took great joy in the supposed revenje we were getting for kicking their ass in the Revolootionary war. Also the limey bastard needs to learn how to spell--"defence" and "colour"? Don't they have spell check in England. Prolly not since we had to pull there ass out of WWII.
Donny Ray Powers
Shiner, TX
Donny, Please read the blog again as I think you will see Garth is very sympathetic to the United States. Another response to this article had a different style but the bile was evident.
Windham-Price has long written for the horrible rag UK VU and now is spreading is mindless drivel across the pond to the United States. It is clear that he has never left the Punk Rock mind-set of the late 1970's. For "As Above So Below" to actually allow the title of Windham-Price "Never Mind the Bollocks" to appear into up to now, an intellectual and stimulating blog has lowered my opinion and eradicated my need to read this blog any longer. I know many Americans do not know what bollocks or wankers are, but please do some fact checking, it is bloody disgusting.
Montrose Python Kingston
London, UK
Finally, this response was the most cryptic or confusing of all of Wyndham-Price's feedback, but I thought I would include it just in case some of our fellow bloggers could help explain what Dr. Peabody was writing about.
Garth Wyndham-Price has just laid out the ultimate plan to save the United States. The influx of Hispanic workers is spurred on by the economic opportunities that this great country offers. If the United States regressed to a tribal cooperative civil anarchy and pulled back from the manufacturing metropolises the desire for the invasion from the Mexico and Central America would soon decrease.
This course of action would need to be guided by a secret shadow government that would guide the plan of action and once the Latino horde returns to their native home, we would resurrect our great Nation as a Phoenix from the desert.
Also, Windham-Price's final quotes of Jefferson, Locke, and Johnny Rotten should be appended to the new Declaration of Independence.
Dr. Sherman Peabody
University of Berkley
Berkley, CA
Flatulence Quarterly Article, by Fred Rancid
This was perhaps the most popular contribution made during my absence. I wish I could print all the emails I received concerning Mr. Rancid's insightful, entertaining and frankly educational article. Here are a few of the best comments:
As a native Chicagoan, I completely agree with your assessment of Belushi and Murray's farting talent. Likewise, I agree that Chris Farley may have had the most potential. His being from Wisconsin gave him access to quality cheese, brat and of course beer. It is sad that both Belushi and Farley passed before their prime. Did Jim Belushi inherit any of his brothers prowess? Likewise, what about John Candy--he seemed custom built for world class wind breaking.
Niki Bratlavski
Elk Grove, IL
Editor comment: It is said Jim Belushi never had the talent or the interest in following in his brothers feortan footsteps. Also, there are rumors that John Candy had enormous expulsions with extremely fragrant peaks of garlic, balsamic vinegar, and a smoky sausage essence that was influenced by premium cigars. However, because of Candy's Canadian properness and sensibility very few witnessed his masterful work.
I'm sure that the SNL boys of the '70's did some great fart work, but your east coast bias is evident in your article Mr. Rancid. At your convenience, I suggest you come to the south, especially Texas, and witness a BBQ party that we throw from time to time. Picture barbecued beef(not the pork shoulders of deep south), massive quantities of pinto beans, cole slaw (raw cabbage), sweet potatoes, and normally a couple kegs of Lone Star beer. Lone Star beer is really sorry beer, but you talk about creating the creme de la creme of gaseous expulsions there is nothing better. So, if you want to see how real "Divine Wind" is created come on down to Bugtussle.
TJ McCormick
Bugtussle, TX
Fred Rancid response: TJ while gaseous explosions does not a quality fart make, I do believe that you may have a wonderful combination for a multi-layered olfactory experience. Where the hell is Bugtussle.
How did this magazine come into existence. To equate the pallet usage and verbiage of quality wine is blasphemous and disgusting. I highly protest the indulgence and enjoyment of flatulence as one would a quality wine.
Julio Gallo
Modesto, CA
Fred Rancid replied: What does Julio Gallo know about quality wine?
Another blog that received some attention was entitled "Guilty "Gonzo" Bloggers Killed Hunter S. Thompson -- a look back". Just a warning I think some bloggers have ADD and barely make it past the title of the article, so I received many responses that my article was historically inaccurate. Yes, I know that--it's called PARODY, look it up and try using it some time, rather than describing what a bummer day because Jennifer did not hold your hand walking home with you from Junior High. However, there were some informed and interesting responses which I will post below:
I had a hard time getting through the first three paragraphs of your testament to Hunter S. Thompson. However, when I read that D.A. Blylerly claimed Thompson was a great writer, but not always a great journalist I quickly became very interested in what you had to say---even though your overuse of quotations, parenthetical statements were very cumbersome. I did see the parody and analogy you were making between traditional journalism and that of the Thompson-style journalism, call it Gonzo or otherwise.
One point Blylerly made is taking coke, Quaaludes, and tequila does not a writer make. But there are many quality bloggers that use the gonzo style that are entertaining, informative, and quickly surpassing the relevance of the "Old Media". Keep up the good work!
D. Rather
The quotations and parenthetical statements "are" a new "style" of writing that should change (the written "media"--Just as Thompson used (Gonzo) to "create" his own ("voice").
I was abhorred at the Hunter Thompson article the was published in "As Above so Below". So called, Gonzo, journalism breaks every rule in proper journalistic guidelines. One does not interject their personality into a story, but simply reports on what occurs. If a quote is made to one, it is permissible to state that when this reporter asked Mr. SOandSo, his response was "SoandSo". Never should one interject their own personal experiences into a true journalistic article. Likewise, concerning the new style that the writer Victor was trying to establish by the overuse of quotation marks, parenthesis and other non-sensible punctuations it was a travesty to the proper English language. Please refrain from posting any inane and ridiculous articles.
Ms. Fishlitz
8th Grade English
Bismark, ND
Hey Dude,
I've had three articles published in Times, GQ, and National Review while I was completely blasted on peyote. Also, I really dig your new style of punctuation, it really stresses the godness of certain word forms, but also the triteness of some of the establishments code-forms.
Trow Price
Malibu, Beach
"The View from the Dark" was one of the most polarizing blogs written by yours truly. I had visceral emotions about Rosie O'Donnell's bigotry of the Catholic faith, complete disdain for innocent fetal life and all around mistaken self-assurance of her policies and ideas (one example is her Doctor told her to let a dog lick her baby's baby rash and it would clear it up, perhaps it did but now her baby has bortatella). Their is room for disagreement and debate, but out-yelling ones associates is unprofessional and a sign of insecurity. But let us see what you had to say:
When I began to read your article View from the Dark I had the belief that you would treat the Rosie/Donald feud fairly. But it took little time for you to belittle Rosie and her God given views about the Separation of Church and State, the Women's Right to Choose and Gay Marriage. It is obvious you are a bigoted right-wing fundamentalist Christian that has no compassion for diverse lifestyles and views.
Regina Mung
Seattle, WA
Regina, The only problem I have with Gay Marriage is without Heteros pro-creating the human race will soon die off. Combine that with Rosie's rabid support of late term abortion the gene pool is swiftly dwindling. Rosie can have her opinion of the Separation of Church and State, but there is this document called the Constitution that refutes her "opinion". Finally, her bigotry against catholics is an attitude that would have kept one of our greatest presidents out of office, John F. Kennedy. For the record, I am a deist and a free market anarchist and would suggest that my views are much more diverse than your lock step lesbian agenda. By the way call me closed minded but I do have a problem sucking the brains out of a viable 8 month old baby over a matter of inconvenience. Why don't you lesbos step up and adopt the late term abortion candidates and show you really are compassionate. Sorry for the ramble.
Rosie is a true American hero and those that cannot understand her message simply do not have an IQ to comprend her mesage.
Lucia K.
Santa Rosa, CA
Thanks for the input Lucia. I have a 140 IQ not huge but above average. Also I think the words in your last line are spelled "comprehend" and "message". Glad to help.
Is it true that Rosie got her start in the circus as "Giganto the Girl with the Planet Sized Head"? What is her talent and why do they wast air time on this hachza?
Shlomo G
Brooklyn, NY
"Pantheistic-Monotheism or the End of the World as We Know It"
I received several responses from biblical "experts" that explained some of the more cryptic scriptures of which I wanted understanding.
Son your translation of Rev. 12 v18:19 must have come from the New American Standard version. It should read " God begins Armageddon with quaking of the earth, all creatures snakes and birds and flying meteorites, but the chosen of God Lemeal Brucelum has no fear" It is quit clear that St. John did not know what an aeroplane was in 100 AD.
Father Seamus O'Brien
Victor, Your translation of Ezekiel 48:38 is close but it was not a continental divide that drifted, but rather a complete disintegration of a mountain range in Modern Day Iraq. Leonard Bernstein was in fact the charismatic Lion of Judea that led the Jews from captivity.
Reverend OJ Creed
I am pleased to see that you are following the true light of being. There are many paths to enlightenment and once one realizes this enlightenment will follow. One issue, as a student of the Bhodi Satva, Buddha, I have never found a scripture where he says," It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine....fine."
Gupta Shwarmwandva
Call it blasphemy but every scripture I listed and the quote from Buddha was from selected verses from the REM song "End of the World as We Know It". I in know means meant to demean any religion as I think they all merge from an original source. What I have little patience for are the self-serving, know-it-all, "men of god" that take it upon themselves to share their knowledge with us about what God really meant. My one regret is using the Buddha quote as it does seem something he might say. Gupta I hope you are not scouring the writings to find this verse.
"Dawning of the New Aeon, the Age of Aquarius, Islamic World Rule and Crappy has been Stars Wasting Primetime and the Man Responsible for All of it"--This essay was all over the place but in the end all points were connected and actually a rather intelligent argument for why the Islama-Fascist have such hatred for our culture. What was amusing to me was the selective portions that the readers concentrated upon and the vehement comments I received.
Neo-Chamberlain response to Lebanon. You bleeding wanker do you want to blow up the whole middle east? Damn Yanks no idea about world diplomacy.
Winston Marburry III
Your supposition that Crowley was the impetus to the beginning of the Islamic Jihad has merit. Crowley was the beast and called himself "666". As Satanist he may have set in motion the end of the world with his magic conjurations. Only prayer and devotion to the Most Holy Christ can save us from this diabolical minion of Lucifer.
Reverend Jack Imperson Whatley
Hey Man, I had know idea this Crowley guy was turning on in the 1920's. Sabbath and Zeppelin wrote songs about this guy? How did I not know about him. Sounds like a true visionary.
Fried and Happy
Kevin S.
Your contention that Crowley was not a Satanist is debunked by many publications of his time. He was deeply involved in magic, or Magick as he called it. He devotd much of his life to invoking and evoking demonic spirits to do his bidding. This goes directly against the teachings of the Holy Bible and assuredly Crowley is burning in hell.
Agatha Wellington Morningstar
Sussex on Kent
Agatha, There is no doubt that Crowley was a magician and did conjure and converse with spirits but he did not worship Satan nor was he ever a member of the Church of Satan. The Shamans in South America routinely speak to supernatural entities with no knowledge of Satan. If you would like a little project count how many times Satan's name appears in the bible. I think you would be surprised to find out Satan was a 4th century AD creation.
I'm confused Crowley associated himself with "666" the beast, but you claim he is not a Satanist. Then you say his credo is, "Do what thy willt shall be the whole of the Law". This seems like pure hedonistic depravity.
Matt Foley
Madison, WI
Matt, You make some really good points. Crowley was raised as strict Plymouth Brethren. The only book he was allowed to read while growing up was the bible. He was especially enamored with Revelations--as a form of rebellion he claimed to the beast whose number was 666. Concerning his credo it meant find your passion and do what ever it takes to be good at that passion. Now that could seem rather brutal but he had an addendum to his credo, "Love under will, Love under the Law." So, find your passion do all that you can to become good at it as long as you stay within the law and do it in a moral fashion. Concerning the hedonistic depravity, yes there was some, but compared to the communes in the late 1960's and 1970's Crowley depravity would be rated PG13.
I find your comparison of the deviant Crowley to our noble founding fathers a disgrace. And proves you have a complete lack of history. Our founding fathers believed in freedom and rights that none could revoke. Crowley degraded his magical partners into all forms of deviant acts.
Dr.JK Smithingstonville
Dr., Crowley believed that everyman had the right to pursue his or her happines. No authority has the right to stop man from pursuing his happines. True Crowley pursued his happiness by imbibing in drugs, which were not illegal at the time, and magical incantations, but the general philosophy of Crowley's Libertarian views are much in line with our founding fathers, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness--(Thomas Jefferson). Also you may want to investigate Benjamin Franklin's membership in the Hellfire Club when he was in England. The founding fathers had a philosophy personal freedom that no man could negate just as Crowley did. Likewise, many of the founding fathers, as Crowley, were libertines.
Hey Props on calling Mark Burnett the anti-christ. Crowley, Anton Lavey, Hitler pale in comparison to anybody that promoted Clay Aikens. He is Belzebub incarnate. Keep up the good work.
DJ Stokes
Ventura, CA