The election is over and the sky did not fall. Yes, it was disturbing to see the blatant biasness of the old and soon to be extinct old media. Likewise, Black Panthers with night sticks at polling locations seems a bit fascist, but in the end the system worked.
California passed a ban on gay marriage--CALIFORNIA did this. The Senate did not get a super-majority and we have only two years until the House turns over. Reportedly, gun sales went ballistic the Wednesday after Obama's election. These are all good things.
The ultimate, God-given right of all humans is to fight and have descent against tyranny of all forms. There may be some tyranny on the way, but let's not forget the red states have plenty of guns and know how to use them. I am not suggesting a government overthrow, but if the government attempts to eclipse the rights that were written in the constitution be ready. The important thing to remember about the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is they enumerated our right given to us by God--not any government run by man.
Finally, there are two historical similarities of the Obama presidency. The first is the one term of President Carter whose policy threw our country into the depths of stagflation. Obama's Reaganesque tax talk does not equate to the spending and re-distribution of the wealth which he also discusses. Likewise, speaking of redistribution of wealth, the last time the media was having orgasmic celebrations of a world leader was when Gorbachev came upon the scene. In both cases, the leaders' terms or countries did not last long.
We are still Americans and we have lived through similar situations, but we must now be the loyal opposition. Fight all forms of tyranny. Use your freedom of speech in the form of descent against wrong, idiotic or un-American governmental actions.
Do not disengage, fight the good fight, our country was founded on inherent God given rights that no man, agency or government can deny. I founding fathers found this worth dying for and I can't think of many things worth more than sacrificing whatever it takes to keep our country America.
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