Sunday, May 25, 2008

France is the Future?

Special Contribution by Garth Wyndham-Price of UKVU

As most know I am a proponent of civil anarchy. But, I know this vision is beatific at best, however, I must raise a voice of intellectual and free thinking rhetoric to wake up the domiciles of freedom and liberty to protect not the world but the philosophies of free thought and the pursuit of happiness.

The current condition in the UK is gaseous at best, but those that are clear thinking would call it diaherical, or perhaps in the worst of conditions just plain bloody shitty. The advantage of the UK's form of government is we can do an anal adjustment quickly and rather painlessly.

Which brings us to the political colour of the United States. I do not use the term " colour" lightly as the darkest candidate has been the most charismatic. The other two candidates are as they say in the south" white bread". So if Mr. Obama wins the election who do we have to protect Free thought: France.

Much of this philosophy has come from the Gauls but can we really rely on them to protect this form of governance. We can only hope. Obama has already denied his country's flag and country's most sacred song. He believes it to be to aggressive. He would prefer...something about the world doing or buying coke.....

My mates and the rest of the wankers in the anarchist centre are now pledging our allegiance to help the Franco's...pussies as they are!!!

Revolution-- Anarchy or Democracy

Anthony Republicus-- Special Contributor

The American political "race" is trite and pre-defined. There is not one politician that really stands for anything. Who cares who wins. There might be some slight interest in who the Republican chooses for a Vice President, but do we really believe that any of the three will make a difference.

Two elections ago we thought it extremely important whom was chosen President. Now eight years later we see that only one was slightly better because he did not understand the whole "scientification" of Oval warming.

Yes we can laugh at the verbal mistakes this Texan made, but can we forgive the Goebblerian propaganda that Gore has made his career upon the last several years. Has there been climate change? Yes. Is this new? No. What was the warmest year since we have been keeping records? 1994----BRRRRp---actually after REAL scientific analysis we have found it was 1938.

So, what about the stories of the arctic melting? Probably true, the problem is all that melting water is becoming frozen in Antarctica. Is their climate change--Yes. Does man cause it? Prove it.

There have been many warmings and coolings before man had the combustible engine. So why is Al Gore so concerned about defeating "Global Warming", oh sorry now it is "Climate Change"....

If it warms we are at fault, if it cools we are at fault. Butt, there is a champion: he invented the Internet, Love Story was based on his and Tipper's.......poor Tipper. But, he now has the solution to save the world. One must ask why his ability to see in into the future was clouded when he was berating Colonel Oliver North for spending so much money on a safety system.

Oliver North's answer was that a man name Osama Bin Laden was targeting, so he was protecting his family. Gore scoffed at this answer. How many particulates, clouds of gas and ozone damage was done in 9/11. Al Gore park your jet, park your Suburban, and turn your air up to 80'.

Sorry, I must end this blog as I need to wipe the sweat of my baby's face. Here in Houston we cannot afford to keep the air running. Would have been nice if the guy that was almost president caught the guy that started this bung--proven fact Al Gore is a most prolific bugger and a wanker of much esteem.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Disenfranchisement of the Negros in the Dem's, but solace in the Words of an Old and an Irrelevant Pope

Historically the Democrat party has been one that has disenfranchised and repressed the Negro. There were periods when the Democrat party made it seem the Republicans were anti-Negro. However, the Republicans need only wave the rather warty and distorted face of Abraham Lincoln to prove who fought for our Black brethren.

There still exists in the Democratic Party members or former members of the Ku Klux Klan. They deny and renege their membership in said and the sad brotherhoods, but they are documented, delegated and dedicated to their sad philosophy of racial hiearchy.

It is dispicable that a women, a black man, a hog, or a flea ridden hound dog would treat one's opponent as a mound of feral hog feces. And yet the Dem primary nuzzles back and forth like two possums fighting over a peach seed.

The truly sad thing is while McCain is a war hero, he is also a transexual Republican. He has formed alliances with Ted Kennedy, and we are not talking about sexual but political allicances. However, we can take solace in one of the few oratories that Pope Victor II (April 13, 1055 to July 28, 1057), delivered to his loving masses:

I am an antichrist, and I am an anarchist don't know what I want but I know how to get it, I want to destroy passer by cuz I want to beeeah anarchy. Anarchy for the UK is coming some time and might be I give her some time for the traffic line the future gleam is the sharpest dream, cuz I want to beeeaah anarchy.

I'm loving ways to get what you want, I use the best, I use the rest. I use the enemy, I use anarchy, cuz I want to be anarchy. It's the only way to be.

Girls dancing and PMA are real just to UTA a red dusty Yah Yah Ray, I thought it was UK or just another country, I want to be an anarchy and I want to be an anarchy "you know what I mean". And I want to beeah an anarchist, I'm pissed get destroyed..ruruRuRrrruRURRRRRRR

Deus te Amet