Saturday, June 23, 2007

The Price of One's Soul

I was driving to Walgreens with my yorkiepoo's head stuck out the window enjoying life. It was really a clarifying moment in my life. Shadow, my yorkiepoo, was having a banging time just smelling the air and letting his ears flop in the wind. I on the other hand was contemplating quitting my job where I would earn around $300K per year. The money was big and lord knows we need it, but I was concerned that these simple but satisfying moments as I was enjoying with Shadow would be limited if not outright missed.

I am an Executive Analyst for one of the oldest companies in the US, which means I could be in Tampa, FL one day and Seattle the next. I have no problem travelling except when it cuts into my weekend and this will. Normal procedure is getting home late on Friday and leaving around 6:00 pm on Sunday night. The problem is I am custom made for this job--it is what I do best, but I have an 11 year old and a wife with rheumatoid arthritis. When I saw Shadow's ears flopping I realized my decision was made.

Shadow's ears were not what caused me to make a decision, but they were the catalyst to me realizing seeing my daughter's growth and development and being away from my wife. All my co-workers were divorced, in the process of getting divorced or single. What is the price of my soul? I don't know, if I could make $300K hanging around Houston I would do it in a heartbeat.

My family, and even that damn crapping machine, Shadow, are worth more then $300K. The common knowledge states that there is some point where on will sell one's soul to make the big bucks. Me, I am not sure, two to three weeks away from my family is not worth it. Is there a price probably, but until my child graduates from high school I need and will be around.

Will I ever make $300K --probably not, but I will be there to see her run track, play soccer, dance, read poetry. These are sacred things and as the Visa ad goes priceless. Pursuit of happiness is one of the bill of rights that I'm chasing. Frankly, my soul may be worth very little, especially if one believes in pre-ordination. So my "soul" function in life is to assure that my wife and daughter are happy. I also need to provide for them , which the $300K proved. However, those that were making that money were snorting it, had 3 girls on the side or just got caught by their wives and the 3 girlfriends.

No big shocker here, but there are some who would really give the family up for the cash, My hope is there are many more who would give up the Case for the quality life. I thank God for my life, wife, daughter and those floppy ears of Shadow. God does have a sense of humor, one must open your eyes and look for his signs. I will regret passing up the cash, but never think twice about it after watching her walking for her graduation. As Garth Wyndham-Price said last week while quoting an ancient but wise philosopher,"Never Mind the Bollocks". I would add to that Rock and Roll Will Never die, and finally, Might as Well Jump. Jefferson and Locke would be proud. In fact, I don't feel so bad for a guy that just lost $200k this year--For those about to rock I salute you!!