That's great it starts with an Earthquake
birds and snakes and aeroplanes
Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
Revelations 12 v 18:19
Most at this time of year contemplate Peace and Goodwill on Men, but with the wars and hodgepodge around the world some of the more religious may consider we are in the end times. Many traditions have a recurring theme of an end time and a savior that would rescue them from the tribulations of said end time.
As the above verse from Revelations illustrates, great tribulations were prophesied for those that did not believe. The irony is there are many other faiths that speak of unbelievers being struck down, such as the original Passover night in Egypt. Another rather cryptic, but foreboding scripture comes from Ezekiel 48:38, "The other night I tripped a nice continental drift drive. Mountains sit in a line. Leonard Bernstein". Is this Lion of Bernstein another savior?
These interesting recurrences of the mystic savior that comes forth to save the "chosen" people is much older than 2,000 to 3,000 years. The Aryans that pushed into the Indian subcontinent had a God (or demi-god if you prefer) named Krishna who was crucified on a tree 3000 BC. This sacrifice was to forgive the transgressions of his people. There are even some parallels to the "Chrystos Mythos" in the incensuous story of Isis, Osiris and Horus. Long story short, Horus is relieved of his deitific "schvauntz", by a rival god which Isis searches for and discovers and impregnates herself with the phallic member of Horus. The result is Osiris, the Golden One, son of the father and technically first born of a quasi-virgin mother.
Here is my point; God is perfect right? So back when he made the perfect universe, V1.0, his perfection may have been similar to an Intel 486. This was the best there was and damn if it was the last chip that would ever be needed. But then God woke up one night and scratched something on a pad and the next morning may have some ideas for a new more Perfect Universe in which his many facets of Godness would not be emulated by animals and the sub-gods needed to explain facets the animal personifications did not explain. He would have one chosen people that would be blessed by worshipping just one god.
Shortly after God helped the Israelites with their exit policy from Egypt they were given 10 simple rules to follow to maintain their status as the "Chosen Ones". Clearly, the perfection in God's plan was the simplicity: 1 god; 10 commandments and everything is copacetic.
Well after 2000 years of obeying, not obeying, mixing cultures the 10 simple rules became clouded. And then Pharisees and Sadducee's got into their legalistic translations of what God's "simple" religion and rules were and that is when the gold, frankincense and myrrh hit the fan.
So God decided to cut the crap and send his son to a virgin to be sacrificed and forgiven for all mans sins. OK, that should cut complexity, the legalistic translations, the Pantheons of gods to be worshipped to glorify the one God and all the other unneeded trappings to pay respect to the Architect of the Universe and transcriber of perfection. God would simply have his son sacrificed and every human being would be forgiven for their sins.
This was a perfect plan and the first 100 years it was masterful, but then the "church fathers" congregated and decided which holy writings should be included in the canon of Christianity. The Gnostics were to mystic, so their writings must not be included. There were other writings that clearly named Mary Magdalene as his favorite apostle--this simply would not do for the church of Peter. So former Pagan, Constantine, finally had a Holy Bible compiled for all to worship--what God meant to be a simple statement of love, "Hey I love you, I have sacrificed my son, now do good and get your shit together." Turned into a mish-mash of sects political struggles, ornate ceremonies and even some down home, ass kicking torture.
Then the prophet Mohammad came along and tweaked the whole Judeo-Christian thing with some legalism, fervent prayer and not just a little ass-kicking. But on the whole it was in the same vein as the original Egyptian, Judaic, Christian perfect religion that always got screwed up by man trying to improve on God's perfection. Sects emerged, Shiites, Sunnis and Wahhabism and now, once again God's perfection is meddled, muddled and mightily stomped by the unruly rain boots of mankind.
Well we see where we are now Christians fighting Christians; Christians fighting Muslims, Muslims fighting Muslims, Muslims fighting Jews, and even some Jews fighting each other. This does not even dip a fang into the Goths, Vampires, Wiccans, Witches, Satanists, Satanic Nihilists, True Golden Dawn, Esoteric Golden Dawn, and the various and changing Crowleyana sects of the month who lay claim to the one and only true path to enlightenment.
I have chosen to convert to a pantheistic monotheism. Their will be no church or human organization. My thought is to learn what the Big Guy had in mind each time Perfection was created.That is before we screwed it up and if I learn that, things should be OK. Seems like Buddha might have said something like this," It's the end of the world as we know and I feel fine...fine"
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Pros and Cons of Being a Vampire
I have been contemplating some lifestyle changes, here are my thoughts your input would be appreciated.
5. Little chance of aging before one's time from dreaded sun damage
4. 300 is the new 40
3. Ann Rice
2. Pretty sure blood is OK on the Atkins diet
1. Thought it would give me a little extra time to learn Spanish
5. Pinot Grigio does not go well with type O positive
4. All the poser "Goths"--it was lame in the 1300's; the 1990's and will be in 2110
3. Concerned about the cliquishness of the Undead...500 years of Junior High?
2. Ann Rice
1. Note to self--check on how "till death do us part" applies to the Undead
5. Little chance of aging before one's time from dreaded sun damage
4. 300 is the new 40
3. Ann Rice
2. Pretty sure blood is OK on the Atkins diet
1. Thought it would give me a little extra time to learn Spanish
5. Pinot Grigio does not go well with type O positive
4. All the poser "Goths"--it was lame in the 1300's; the 1990's and will be in 2110
3. Concerned about the cliquishness of the Undead...500 years of Junior High?
2. Ann Rice
1. Note to self--check on how "till death do us part" applies to the Undead
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Dawning of a New Aeon, the Age of Aquarius, Islamic World Rule and Crappy has been Stars Wasting Primetime and the Man Responsible for All of It
Because of a recent surgery I had about six weeks of being homebound which gave me much time with seemingly little to do. However, it allowed me an opportunity to catch up on some reading; studying the esoteric arts; practicing the Great Work and watching way too much TV. This pot of differing stimuli and some pretty damn good pain killers combined for an illuminating contemplative stew.
This period had a monastic quality which allowed me to reevaluate my life. I strove to become closer to my Higher Power, studied the ancient esoteric mysteries, and sadly, became more familiar with American popular culture. The path of the Great Work is inspiring to me because no matter how far I am from Kether, I know I am moving in the direction of humanity's birthright.
However, the neo-Chamberlain response to the Lebanon crisis is disgraceful. Just as fascist used incrementalism in Nazi Germany the Islamic extremists are following the same pattern. Interestingly, one person that may have set this in motion had great respect for the "Mohamidans" as they were called in his time. Aleister Crowley accepted the mystic practices of the Sikhs and in fact had his most life transforming event in Egypt. By no means was he an enemy of the Arabs or the followers of Islam.
However, Crowley was forty years ahead of his time in the advocacy of Free Love and the ceremonial use of drugs to enhance his theurgical union with his Holy Guardian Angel. While he was not individually responsible for the flower child movement and the ensuing explosion of drug use in the 1960's and 70's he did influence icons of that generation.
Ozzie Osborn of Black Sabbath mentioned Crowley by name in one of his songs and the whole quasi-diabolical persona of that band may have had some inspiration from Crowley. Likewise, Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin, was greatly influenced by Crowley. So much so, he purchased the former estate of Crowley near Loch Ness, Boleskine. Page is said to practice the Golden Dawn magic where Crowley first made his name, this is not Satanic worship as many would have you believe.
But how does this lead to the Islamic Jihad for world domination? Well the 1970's started a trend to social liberalism which increasingly offended the ultra-legalistic mullahs of the extremist sects of Islam. It could be argued they should have the right to be offended by rampit drug use, casual meaningless sex, and the alienation of entire generation of our children--many Americans hold the same offense. However, the Fascist-Mullash decided Jihad was the answer to irradicate the great Satan and since 1979 we have seen incremental attacks and aggression on the West and Democracy.
Ironically, Crowley associated himself with the Great Beast, 666, of Revelations. So was Crowley the catalyst for the current extremist Jihad Fascists movement to rule the world? He did break many social conventions that became commonplace occurences in the 1960's by the Social Trendsetters of the Western Culture. Crowley even has a rather fervent cult following that many closed minded religios of all denominations consider devil worshippers or Satanists. So it would seem Crowley is indeed the Anti-Christ prophesised in Revelations--except for the fact that his overriding philosophy flies directly in the face of the Jihad Fascists.
In fact, Crowley had much in common with the Freethinkers of Natural Law of the 1700's: Locke; Adams; Jefferson; Washington; Franklin and Payne. Man has innate irrevocable rights that no man, institution, government OR religion can deny. Crowley believed every man and woman was a star and the summation of his life philosophy was, "Do what thy will, shall be the whole of the Law." Many claimed this was blatant promotion of Anarchy, but Crowley, if nothing else, was an intellectual and deep thinker. His philosophy simply meant find your true will and do all humanly possible to attain one's True Will. There was an addendum to Crowley's Do what they will... and it was "Love under Will, Love under the Law". Crowley was no anarchist, if anything he was a Libertarian (and yes a libertine) of the ilk of the Founding Fathers---inalienable rights that no entity can revoke.
So did Crowley put in place key motivators for what we are now experiencing -- perhaps yes. But he also in his erudite way promoted a philosophy that is held by the majority of Americans not in the strict esoteric sense, but in the sense that we will always reject tyranny and we own guns and know how to use them.
By the way, the real Anti-Christ is Mark Burnett who continues to parade has been celebrities on to his endless reality shows and thereby scarring our collective psyches. C'mon what redeeming factor is there to Chakha Khan showing her pomeranian's best pet tricks or the Dancing Guy from the Mighty Mighty Bostones favorite quilt collection. Enjoy your time now Mark Burnett for the Aeon of the Solar Christ Soul is hence and you will pay for your sins--especially that Clay Aikens thing.
This period had a monastic quality which allowed me to reevaluate my life. I strove to become closer to my Higher Power, studied the ancient esoteric mysteries, and sadly, became more familiar with American popular culture. The path of the Great Work is inspiring to me because no matter how far I am from Kether, I know I am moving in the direction of humanity's birthright.
However, the neo-Chamberlain response to the Lebanon crisis is disgraceful. Just as fascist used incrementalism in Nazi Germany the Islamic extremists are following the same pattern. Interestingly, one person that may have set this in motion had great respect for the "Mohamidans" as they were called in his time. Aleister Crowley accepted the mystic practices of the Sikhs and in fact had his most life transforming event in Egypt. By no means was he an enemy of the Arabs or the followers of Islam.
However, Crowley was forty years ahead of his time in the advocacy of Free Love and the ceremonial use of drugs to enhance his theurgical union with his Holy Guardian Angel. While he was not individually responsible for the flower child movement and the ensuing explosion of drug use in the 1960's and 70's he did influence icons of that generation.
Ozzie Osborn of Black Sabbath mentioned Crowley by name in one of his songs and the whole quasi-diabolical persona of that band may have had some inspiration from Crowley. Likewise, Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin, was greatly influenced by Crowley. So much so, he purchased the former estate of Crowley near Loch Ness, Boleskine. Page is said to practice the Golden Dawn magic where Crowley first made his name, this is not Satanic worship as many would have you believe.
But how does this lead to the Islamic Jihad for world domination? Well the 1970's started a trend to social liberalism which increasingly offended the ultra-legalistic mullahs of the extremist sects of Islam. It could be argued they should have the right to be offended by rampit drug use, casual meaningless sex, and the alienation of entire generation of our children--many Americans hold the same offense. However, the Fascist-Mullash decided Jihad was the answer to irradicate the great Satan and since 1979 we have seen incremental attacks and aggression on the West and Democracy.
Ironically, Crowley associated himself with the Great Beast, 666, of Revelations. So was Crowley the catalyst for the current extremist Jihad Fascists movement to rule the world? He did break many social conventions that became commonplace occurences in the 1960's by the Social Trendsetters of the Western Culture. Crowley even has a rather fervent cult following that many closed minded religios of all denominations consider devil worshippers or Satanists. So it would seem Crowley is indeed the Anti-Christ prophesised in Revelations--except for the fact that his overriding philosophy flies directly in the face of the Jihad Fascists.
In fact, Crowley had much in common with the Freethinkers of Natural Law of the 1700's: Locke; Adams; Jefferson; Washington; Franklin and Payne. Man has innate irrevocable rights that no man, institution, government OR religion can deny. Crowley believed every man and woman was a star and the summation of his life philosophy was, "Do what thy will, shall be the whole of the Law." Many claimed this was blatant promotion of Anarchy, but Crowley, if nothing else, was an intellectual and deep thinker. His philosophy simply meant find your true will and do all humanly possible to attain one's True Will. There was an addendum to Crowley's Do what they will... and it was "Love under Will, Love under the Law". Crowley was no anarchist, if anything he was a Libertarian (and yes a libertine) of the ilk of the Founding Fathers---inalienable rights that no entity can revoke.
So did Crowley put in place key motivators for what we are now experiencing -- perhaps yes. But he also in his erudite way promoted a philosophy that is held by the majority of Americans not in the strict esoteric sense, but in the sense that we will always reject tyranny and we own guns and know how to use them.
By the way, the real Anti-Christ is Mark Burnett who continues to parade has been celebrities on to his endless reality shows and thereby scarring our collective psyches. C'mon what redeeming factor is there to Chakha Khan showing her pomeranian's best pet tricks or the Dancing Guy from the Mighty Mighty Bostones favorite quilt collection. Enjoy your time now Mark Burnett for the Aeon of the Solar Christ Soul is hence and you will pay for your sins--especially that Clay Aikens thing.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
What are our real priorities
I suffered from a couple epileptic episodes in the last few days and was actually hospitalized. This gave me time to think and also watch the cable news stations. One of my priorities is to stop my seizure activity, but I find this increasingly difficult with the apoplectic rhetoric that is issuing from the political camps in Washington.
Can we put to rest the tired rhetoric about our country going to war on the spur of the moment. Every last one of the flaky representatives had the same intelligence that the President had concerning Al Quaeda and weapons development in Iraq. And most of the spineless milquetoasts voted in the majority to go to war.
The Republicans are not guilt free, since from the very top they are trying to run a political war, not a war to win. We are dealing with revolutionaries that have a specific goal. Do we need a revolution? The question can easily be answered by asking yourself if you feel you are really being represented by your political proxies in Washington. Iran is looming....
Can we put to rest the tired rhetoric about our country going to war on the spur of the moment. Every last one of the flaky representatives had the same intelligence that the President had concerning Al Quaeda and weapons development in Iraq. And most of the spineless milquetoasts voted in the majority to go to war.
The Republicans are not guilt free, since from the very top they are trying to run a political war, not a war to win. We are dealing with revolutionaries that have a specific goal. Do we need a revolution? The question can easily be answered by asking yourself if you feel you are really being represented by your political proxies in Washington. Iran is looming....
Friday, May 12, 2006
The student was ready and the Master appeared
I had some life changes in the last two years. Many priorities changed in my life and I was looking at life differently. Surprisingly, I was drawn more to the path of mysticism rather than magic. In the past I was drawn to the Golden Dawn tradition but for some reason I wanted to rid myself of all the ceremonial trappings and meditate to enlightenment.
This introspection was also part of my mundane life. I started questioning why things were the way they were. Why did my property tax go up and why do I need to pay that amount? Why do I need to arrive at my job at eight and leave at five? Why must may taxes be taken out of each check rather than pay at the end of the year?
The result questioning these and many, many more questions was I learned we simply give control of our lives to ruling authorities with much faith and little assurance of our universal and eternal rights. The more frightening point is few these days question "why?". That is when Michael Savage, scurge of the political left and the ACLU, entered my consciousness.
I had heard Michael Savage in the past and quickly changed the radio station. As a native Texan, I had a hard time dealing with his New York City accent and his brash demeanor, I was not ready for the Master. However, I started listening to him on my drive home and more important listening to what he said and realized that Dr. Savage ( yes, he received his Doctorate from UC Berkeley) was practicing something that few did anymore. Dr. Savage was a critical thinker. Trained in the scientific method, he was applying this to his political and world views.
I was hooked. He had reasoned and thought out arguments. He did not spew the Democrat or Republican talking points. This is not to say he did not spew, he did. However, at the end of his rant he would detail why he held the view he was discussing and, amazingly, it was the most reasoned and rational view that had been publicly discussed by all, especially any politician in the last 50 years. Dr. Savage is very intelligent, but, if we all think about what we are going to do or why we do what we do, wouldn't we also have some level of rationality?
Dr. Savage gave me a valuable gift, in fact, a priceless gift, that of using the most powerful gift given by God, the gift of really using my mind, critically thinking. If anybody reads this they may write it off as another right-wing tool to promote the talk show monopoly of the Repbulicans. Interestingly though however, after listening to Dr. Savage and using my brain I quit being a lock-step Republican and now consider myself as a Libertarian/Independent awake individual in God's Universe.
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