Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Is Anybody Out There

I realize my paradigm is dissimilar from the mainstream, but am I the only esoterist that is pleased with the steps to freedom the Iraqi's have taken this last month? I realize many of you have an internal constitutional difference with President Bush and his moral compass, but if you put aside your political differences and/or dislike for President Bush's evangelical christianity, cannot we all agree that the most recent actions have allowed our Iraqi brethren to as General Crowley puts it: " Do what thou wilt , shall be the whole of the Law."

Please keep in mind that those of the Muslim faith that strive to inhibit the way and how the Iraqis practice their faith are just as constrictive as the "demonized" born again christians. Frankly, what the mainstream Muslim clerics have done to the "Religion of Peace", is a sorry belittlement of a once mystic and powerful faith. The onetime pious goal of elevating ones soul to the level of the prophet is now cheapened to a quasi-commercial sponsorship of martyrdom to blow up ones-self and all the infidels one can take with them.

Is this the Muslim journey to providence? Were the Salem Witch Trials the road to salvation for the 16th Century North American Christians? Did the Nazis purify the gene pool by anihilating the sons of the muderers of Jesus? The same query applies to the Chinese purification of the Tibetan Bhudists.

I will posit that any killing or degregation of another, no matter what their faith or creed is an abomination of universal law. God, Yod Hey Vav Hey, Allah, Adonai, Gaia or th Holy Guardian Angel, Hua does not want the sublimation of an individual, but that individual is you consciousness or ego. By sublimating the "Malkuth" persona we can move towards knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel--our birthright and magnum opus of esoteric working or, "The Great Work". Therefore, the current cult of death that is being promulgated by the leaders of the resistance to Iraqui freedom is not only misdirected, but also diabolical.

The relative innocents that take the path of destruction with hopes of reaching paradise and the 70 virgins do have some guilt for their actions but the leaders that are encouraging and yea monitarily rewarding the worthless death acts are collecting aeons of negative karma for their facilitation of these terrible deeds. Those that are fighting to the death for their view of what Iraq should be are not included in this group. It is the Mullahs of the Death Cult of Allah that are dooming their followers to a round of Daathic Qulippothic non-reality. A dimension of shadows with no redeeming path, so close to the crown Kether, but a million dimensions from it in a real sense as their actions caused a displacement in the Tree of Life.

Those that followed the Death Agents of Allah may be able to redeem themselves from their actions, once they understand the full impact of the lives they took and senseless cult they followed. To some extent this is the journey that we are all on: redemption from previous sins and transgression, but many of us had a millenium of karma to workout--while many of these Islamic Death Pilgrims are incurring vast karma debt with one action.

I bring this theory to light for those that are anti-war and for that matter against the U.S.A.'s actions in Iraq. I'm not arguing the merits of the actions in Iraq except from the standpoint that those who are using the suicide soldiers are in most cases burdening the souls of the relatively innocent suicide soldiers with centuries of bad karma. When will this cycle end?

The United States may have finally worked off the karmic guilt of the centuries of slave trade, but as the last half of the 20th century proved it is no easy task. What will the reincarnates of the suicide squads have to endure to work off their karmic note? Will they be re-injected into Mid East situation as a trial of their faith and integrity? What can we do to ease this karmic cycle?

Those that say they have the answers should be tested and re-tested, but we should pray or send blessings to our higher power, God, Goddess, Holy Guardian Angel etc. to give those who were casualties of the suicide pacts an quick and clean path to the Pure and Cleansing Light of JHVH, Adonai, Kether, or whatever is your all being.

If you are on the left side of the Iraq issue that is fine, but please meditate, pray, channel or chant for the end of the suicides of the innocents. These souls do not deserve the manipulation of the diabolic puppet masters of the insurgents. Those who are more advanced in metaphysical matters may want to give a go at guiding souls of the innocents to their paradise. Please know they have a preconception of what awaits them on the other side so your guidance may be a bit harsh in the beginning.

Love and Light in the Golden Dawn,
Do what thy wilt, is the whole of the Law,