Saturday, August 27, 2005

Future Posts and Projects

Since my recent down time many projects have been brewing in my slightly damaged head. One is the Terri Schiavo Memorial Hall of Fame induction list. The thought being that since the Priests and Agents of the Cult of Death have now enabled State sponsored killing of a living soul that is not in the womb, we will from time to time issue lists of living people that the Death Cult should pursue next.

(A quick disclaimer we in no way condone or agree with the killing or starving or enabling a quicker end to one's life but are simply using the macabre Schiavo episode as a way to lampoon those that worship Death, State Power or Humanism.)

An example of some possible inductees: 1) Ted Kennedy; 2) Robert Byrd; 3)Pat Robertson; and 4)just about anybody in the ACLU. Of course, there are problems with this list-- for example, Ted Kennedy actually died in 1969. The Illuminati recovered Ted's body after his infamous wreck at Chappequidic and replaced it with an advanced automaton that is powered by ethanol and gin. Since that time "Sen. Kennedy" has been a puppet of the One World Shadow Government whose only purpose is to further the advancement of the Shadow Government and find enough gin to keep the automaton running.

Likewise, the ACLU is the legal arm of the Death Cult and Shadow Government so their destruction or abolition would be 95% good since 95% of what they do is not only bad but despicable, if not diabolical. However, the 5% good they do is enough to keep the libertarian current of human Free Will alive and therefore, gives each soul hope and belief that there are rights that no entity, government or cult can remove. This is mans' true destiny and it will cause the eventual destruction of the Death Cult's Plans.

Isn't Robert Byrd already dead? Another question, if a tree fell on Pat Robertson in the woods would he soil himself? He always has this look like his Depends are half full or about to be.

So as you can see I need your help with the Schiavo List of inductees. Please give me a few names and why the should qualify. Remember, the criteria is the world would not change or be hurt by the persons starving to death. All are fair game but let's keep it PG-13

Adult Onset Epilepsy

A few, but probably nobody have been following any of my posts, which is fine this is just an outlet for a frustrated quasi-writer, but you may have noticed that it has been months since I have posted anything to my blog. After years of experimenting with different levels of consciousness through yoga, meditation, endurance sports, spirituality and "other"means, I learned at the age of 41 that I have epilepsy. This was a different level of consciousness, but not necessarily desirable.

Waking up in an ambulance with very concerned people shouting your name and then asking your name and the whole time trying to figure out what just happened is a paradigm shift, but not one expected. Oh well, it is said when one is ready the master will appear. Maybe this is my wake up call to start again applying myself to the Path.

I would like to know if anybody else out there has learned that they have epilepsy in their adult years. It has changed my life and in a twisted way I now seem more alive and dedicated to spirituality and family. In my case, the medication they have given me has stopped all seizures and now I'm getting back to a "normal" life.

What are your experiences? If it started later in life did the medication control the seizures? Were you able to stay on one medicine?

I started on Dilantin, but after seeing a Neurologist was changed to Trileptal. I was very wacked for several weeks on the Trileptal and just when I was adjusting the Doctor doubled my dose, but now I am fine.

Please share your experiences. I have found many websites concerning epilepsy but they all seemed to assume that the onset was in adolescent or teen years. I did learn that many artistic and intelligent people had epilepsy. In fact, some believe that it is a by-product of being a genius. So let me here from the rest of you geniuses out there.

Brain Damaged and Happy signing out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Is Anybody Out There

I realize my paradigm is dissimilar from the mainstream, but am I the only esoterist that is pleased with the steps to freedom the Iraqi's have taken this last month? I realize many of you have an internal constitutional difference with President Bush and his moral compass, but if you put aside your political differences and/or dislike for President Bush's evangelical christianity, cannot we all agree that the most recent actions have allowed our Iraqi brethren to as General Crowley puts it: " Do what thou wilt , shall be the whole of the Law."

Please keep in mind that those of the Muslim faith that strive to inhibit the way and how the Iraqis practice their faith are just as constrictive as the "demonized" born again christians. Frankly, what the mainstream Muslim clerics have done to the "Religion of Peace", is a sorry belittlement of a once mystic and powerful faith. The onetime pious goal of elevating ones soul to the level of the prophet is now cheapened to a quasi-commercial sponsorship of martyrdom to blow up ones-self and all the infidels one can take with them.

Is this the Muslim journey to providence? Were the Salem Witch Trials the road to salvation for the 16th Century North American Christians? Did the Nazis purify the gene pool by anihilating the sons of the muderers of Jesus? The same query applies to the Chinese purification of the Tibetan Bhudists.

I will posit that any killing or degregation of another, no matter what their faith or creed is an abomination of universal law. God, Yod Hey Vav Hey, Allah, Adonai, Gaia or th Holy Guardian Angel, Hua does not want the sublimation of an individual, but that individual is you consciousness or ego. By sublimating the "Malkuth" persona we can move towards knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel--our birthright and magnum opus of esoteric working or, "The Great Work". Therefore, the current cult of death that is being promulgated by the leaders of the resistance to Iraqui freedom is not only misdirected, but also diabolical.

The relative innocents that take the path of destruction with hopes of reaching paradise and the 70 virgins do have some guilt for their actions but the leaders that are encouraging and yea monitarily rewarding the worthless death acts are collecting aeons of negative karma for their facilitation of these terrible deeds. Those that are fighting to the death for their view of what Iraq should be are not included in this group. It is the Mullahs of the Death Cult of Allah that are dooming their followers to a round of Daathic Qulippothic non-reality. A dimension of shadows with no redeeming path, so close to the crown Kether, but a million dimensions from it in a real sense as their actions caused a displacement in the Tree of Life.

Those that followed the Death Agents of Allah may be able to redeem themselves from their actions, once they understand the full impact of the lives they took and senseless cult they followed. To some extent this is the journey that we are all on: redemption from previous sins and transgression, but many of us had a millenium of karma to workout--while many of these Islamic Death Pilgrims are incurring vast karma debt with one action.

I bring this theory to light for those that are anti-war and for that matter against the U.S.A.'s actions in Iraq. I'm not arguing the merits of the actions in Iraq except from the standpoint that those who are using the suicide soldiers are in most cases burdening the souls of the relatively innocent suicide soldiers with centuries of bad karma. When will this cycle end?

The United States may have finally worked off the karmic guilt of the centuries of slave trade, but as the last half of the 20th century proved it is no easy task. What will the reincarnates of the suicide squads have to endure to work off their karmic note? Will they be re-injected into Mid East situation as a trial of their faith and integrity? What can we do to ease this karmic cycle?

Those that say they have the answers should be tested and re-tested, but we should pray or send blessings to our higher power, God, Goddess, Holy Guardian Angel etc. to give those who were casualties of the suicide pacts an quick and clean path to the Pure and Cleansing Light of JHVH, Adonai, Kether, or whatever is your all being.

If you are on the left side of the Iraq issue that is fine, but please meditate, pray, channel or chant for the end of the suicides of the innocents. These souls do not deserve the manipulation of the diabolic puppet masters of the insurgents. Those who are more advanced in metaphysical matters may want to give a go at guiding souls of the innocents to their paradise. Please know they have a preconception of what awaits them on the other side so your guidance may be a bit harsh in the beginning.

Love and Light in the Golden Dawn,
Do what thy wilt, is the whole of the Law,

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Senator Byrd Upholds 50 Years of Tradition; "Just say No to the Negress!" said Byrd, voicing his support for Secretary of State Rice

Saturday, January 22, 2005

The Inner Sanctum Posted by Hello

Why Christians are Hated

Previously I had posted a position in support of Christians' rights to worship and celebrate in a public forum. It seems to be in vogue to Christian bash and Christian hate. I try not to hate, but two weeks ago I experienced an example of how Christians can be hated.

The weekend after the tsunami disaster I was listening to a multi-faith talk show hosted by a rabbi, a Priest, and a Minister. The topic was "Why does God Allow Disasters to Happen?" I was stunned to hear in 45 minutes several callers state that God sent the tsunami to punish the godless sinners (at least the non-Christian god sinners). These people actually believed that Christ punished the thousands of people because their form of worship. I find these types of Christians very distasteful and can see why the more militant may even hate these Christians.

It is very arrogant to believe that Christ would intervene in matters of faith in such a way. It is also very arrogant to believe that one is a member of the one true faith or church ( of course that excludes your faith or church as it really is the one true faith or church-- of course).

Their is a macrocosmic universality to all faiths. The virgin mother and sacrificed son mythos was around a good 1200 years before JC hit the ground. Krishna, Osiris, Thoth, Isis and others were involved in some form of a "Passion" mystery. To believe that only your god is the only entity that died and arose again may be a sign of faith but is very narrow minded in the grand scheme of things (of course this does not apply to your god who is the one true god unlike all the others--of course).

The Christians that believe that the tsunami was God's vengeful wrath may be right, but how many times have you been miffed or insulted by a know-it-all who is always right. This type of Christian makes it easy to be a target of hate and in fact, the vengeful wrath concept is rather hateful itself. With all the hatred that is occurring in the world we don't need more gas thrown on the proverbial ecumenical fire (of course you are allowed to hate as you believe in the one true God and his vengeful wrath is a matter of your faith--of course).

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Church/State separation?

As will become clear in the following days, I have experienced some scaring of a Christian sect that had pre-millenial tendencies. In fact, now I would consider myself a believer in God in the western esoteric tradition--whatever that means, but I'm becoming more troubled by the increasing pressure to remove religion from any public event (public in the governmental and general sense). This exclusion of faith seems to be directed specifically to Christians, for now.

The concern is there is no specific mention of separating Faith and State in the founding documents. True, the founding fathers structured the branches of government to specifically not have a state sanctioned Church, e.g. the Anglican Church in Great Britain or the Roman Catholic Church in most of Europe. Notice they did not restrict religion or faith. Indeed, the motivation of many Europeans to come to North America was the ability to practice their religion without persecution (many Wiccans would debate that this was true for all "religions"). But, Protestants, Calvinists, Shakers, Quakers and even Jews had comparative freedom to worship compared to England and the European continent. The distinction is the difference between Church and religion or faith.

Fast forward to the 21st century and we now see any expression of religion or faith is increasingly becoming censored. The mention of God is politically incorrect. Many Christians are quick to point out that the United States was founded on the Judeo/Christian principles. This may be true to in a general sense, but it is also this argument that causes many of the attacks on the Christians' God. There is no doubt that the Founding Fathers generally believed in a God, but with some research one can discover that it was not always the God of the Christian church.

Thomas Jefferson was a Deist. George Washington attended the Methodist church but it has been documented that he never partook in the sacrament. Likewise, Washington was an extremely active Freemason. Benjamin Franklin was a member of the notorious Hellfire Club while in Great Britain. The point is these men believed in a higher power, be it the Great Architect, the Ain Soph or the Big Bang. So this should satisfy most arguments against demonstrating one's faith in a Supreme Being-- except for that of the Atheists'.

To the Atheists the mentioning of God in public places ( the Pledge of Allegiance, In God We Trust on the dollar bill, the Ten Commandments, etc.) , in their view, forces religion upon them. It goes against their beliefs and therefore is a breach of the establishment clause.

Atheists have a set of beliefs and principles. One atheist explained to me that logic and common sense is their Supreme Being. To just have faith to believe in a Supreme Being does not fit into the Logic Matrix of many Atheists. However, logic cannot explain some of the mystical, magickal and metaphysical experiences that have been documented. Aleister Crowley, a self-professed atheist, invoked and evoked spirits, angels, daemons, gods, or archetypical portion of his complex psyche. Whether these were actual spirit beings or projections of his mind these activities do not fit into the Logic Matrix of atheism. Likewise, stigmata, floating, astral travel of yogis, mystics and magicians are not logical. Interestingly, advances in quantum physics may give logical answers to how these "magickal actions" happen. So what's the point?

The point is all humans have a set of beliefs concerning God, religion or faith that will conflict with others. Many Christians would consider me a Pagan, while Pagans would opine that I've just read to many books on Qabbalah and really don't know what are faith and magick. Currently, it is politically correct to exclude the trappings of Christianity from our popular culture. This offends the Christians. Yet, the display of Christian dogma offends the Atheists. The existence of Israel offends many Muslims. Recently, (post 9/11) many of different faiths were offended by Muslims, Arabs or anybody that looked Arabic. And of course we are always pissed at the French.

My point is we have a right, a self-evident product of natural law, to worship... or not worship. We don't have the right to not be offended--actually, true diversity ( the current quasi-religion of many academics and elitist) is many faiths, creeds, races, lifestyles co-existing. Being offended is a natural by product of Diversity and Freedom, which was bestowed upon us by, not the Founding Fathers, but God and all that entails. Do what thy wilt, shall be the whole of the law.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

A Grand New Year for All

Trite but more to come, later.